A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: dystopian society

Book Review: Cress

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)Cress by Marissa Meyer

My Review [rating=4]

Book 3 and another very interesting rendition of Rapunzel. Marissa Meyer does almost a pretty brilliant job of not only still incorporating the different components of the traditional fairy tale but also merging it quite well with Cinder’s ongoing saga.

There were a couple of edge-of-your-seat moments in this book that made you wonder, while reading, how will our heroes get out of this mess. You cannot help but to keep reading to find out how they pull it off … or do they 😉

The one negative thing I thought after finishing this book … how am I going to make it until winter, for Winter, to find out what happens next! Again, if you want to read an interesting twist on the classic story of Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella I would recommend checking out the Lunar Chronicles!

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Book Review: Scarlet

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

My Rating: [rating=4]
(Click here to read this review on Goodreads)

I really like the modern, dystopian twist to classic fairy tales that Meyer has created in these novels. I’ll admit that when I was just starting Cinder that I didn’t think I would enjoy it despite the fact that I was slightly intrigued by a cyborg Cinderella. I initially thought that each book was an independent retelling/re-imagining of each classic tale, however when I discovered that all the books are connected and continue Cinder’s story, then I became much more interested.

Scarlet is the second book of the series and, as you may be able to ascertain from the cover, is a re-imagined Red Riding Hood. While it was fairly obvious to me which part of the Red Riding Hood story would become entwined with Cinder’s story, there was still sufficient mystery and intrigue to keep me reading.

So far this has been a fun series to read and I’m looking forward to Cress and Winter. I would recommend it to anyone that might enjoy a fun twist on some beloved fairy tales.

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Book Review: Divergent

Divergent (Divergent, #1)Divergent by Veronica Roth

My rating:[rating=5]
(Click here to read this review on Goodreads)

I really liked this book, more then I thought I would. It’s not often that I read many books where the hero is female and that’s just a coincidence. The book takes place in the future again, it a dystopian Chicago (which is immediately a win for me). There is definitely a Hunger Games vibe to the book where society is broken into 5 factions and once you choose a faction (either your own or changing factions) you must remain a part of that faction and adhere to its ideals or become factionless.

However, there are anomalies that many consider to be a threat to that way of life. Divergents are among all the factions and perhaps they are the key to breaking down faction walls, but there are those in power that do not want to see that happen.

There is a heavy romance plot to the book as well which might help to appeal to a broader range of readers. I am now excited for the movie (and I hope its as good as the book). If you enjoyed Hunger Games then I would pick up a copy of this book, before its out in theaters.

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