A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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Book Review: To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

My rating: [rating=4]

It’s been a while since I’ve written a book review. Sometimes, when I finish a book, I just don’t feel like writing a review. I want to immediately dive into the next book. This is especially true of books in a series. In this case I have some thoughts I felt like sharing.

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars is a long book. The copy that I read was over 800 pages, excluding the 20 pages of addendum content. Despite its length, I did enjoy this book. I never felt like I was struggling to get through it. It’s written by the author of one of my favorite fantasy series, The Inheritance Cycle.

Book Review: Redshirts

Redshirts book reviewRedshirts by John Scalzi
My rating: [rating=4]
(Click here to see the Goodreads review)

I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while but something else always came up first (mostly the Dresden Files books). I’m glad that I finally got around to reading it. I knew the premise of the book going in and avoided all of the spoilers. I will try to remain spoiler free of my Redshirts book review.

Also, some interesting trivia about the author, John Scalzi. He was a creative consultant for the Stargate Universe live action television series.

Those Recurring Star Trek Themes

While I am a huge Star Wars fan, I still have respect for the Trek. I’m quite familiar with all of the Star Trek tropes so I was looking forward to reading this book. It’s a parody of the classic “Red Shirt” Star Trek theme (i.e. the red shirt always dies). The premise here is that Andy Dahl, a “red shirt”, stumbles on to this suspicious coincidence and he’s determined to figure out why it’s happening. Hopefully, before his inevitable demise. What he discovers is far more unbelievable then he ever imagined, and convincing his other red shirt friends is even more difficult.

The way in which the author addresses this common Star Trek theme is a lot more meta than I was expecting. In fact, at first I wasn’t sure if I liked it. However, as I kept reading I began to understand the allegory of it. I did enjoy this book and that last chapter, the one right before the first CODA, is the best. Chapter. Ever! It definitely breaches the fourth wall but it’s probably one of my favorite chapters of ANY book. I recommend this book to any Star Trek and/or sci-fi fan. It’s a fun read; just keep in mind it’s a parody and try not to get too hung up in it’s conundrums.

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diablo3-reading“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss


Book Review: Cloak of Deception

Cloak of DeceptionCloak of Deception

by James Luceno
My rating: [rating=4]
(Click here to view on Goodreads)

James Luceno autograph

I’ve had this book since Star Wars Celebration III (circa 2005). I actually met James Luceno (in fact this book is a signed copy), he’s a great guy. This is also the book that I began reading last year and I was 40% away from completing to hit my 2020 Reading Challenge. I should have pushed myself harder to finish but November and December is always a busy time of year. Be that as it may, I’m always a sucker for some backstory, especially in the Star Wars universe. While I’m not aware of all the books that take place in the prequel era, this book is potentially as far back as I’ve gone in Star Wars canon (aside from the KOTOR games), with the possible exception of Dooku: Lost Jedi.

Biggs’ Synopsis and Review

Supreme Chancellor Valorum’s trade route taxation policies are highly criticized. So much so that attempts have been made on his life. A particularly nasty syndicate, called The Nebula Front, seem to be involved with these assassination plots. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, attempt to track down and thwart these terrorists before they succeed.

As I mentioned before I love backstory content, perhaps that’s part of the reason I’m such a fan of the prequels. Without giving away too many details, this book describes the events that lead right up to the beginning of The Phantom Menace. I really enjoyed reading more of the adventures of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, Palpatines continued manipulation of the events and some fun, new characters.

View all my reviews

diablo3-reading“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss


Book Review: Force Collector

Book Review of Force CollectorForce Collector by Kevin Shinick
My rating: [rating=5]

In my last book review I talked a bit about the young adult genre and I hardly qualify as a “young adult” (however I’m not exactly “old” either) but I digress. I won’t turn down a good young adult novel but, I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure about this book. This is another book in the “Journey to Rise of Skywalker” series and I’m eager to learn more about the lore that brought us to that epic conclusion. Therefore, regardless of my age and how it corresponds to “young adult”, I read it and I was not disappointed. This is my book review of Force Collector.

Brief Synopsis and Biggs’ Review

Karr is a thirteen year old child on Merokia who suddenly discovers he’s Force sensitive. The Force allows him to see the history of the Jedi whenever he touches an artifact that, at some point in the past, encountered the Force. Now he’s determined to discover the truth about the Jedi. His journey will take him across the galaxy, to many familiar places and faces. He will learn not only about the Jedi but about his own past and his destiny.

I think what I enjoyed the most about this book is the different ways it links all the movies together. I’m a sucker for subtle references and Easter eggs. They are like the Force itself, binding the galaxy together. I know, that was corny. I’ll be honest, when I first started reading I was confused about where it occurred in the timeline. The last book I read, in this series, takes place just a few months after The Last Jedi. Naturally I assumed this book would be somewhere in the same time period. It is not. So, for future readers, it takes place BEFORE The Force Awakens; that is extremely relevant to the events of this book.

Unlike Spark of the Resistance, this book doesn’t add any context to Rise of Skywalker. It’s a fun stroll down memory lane. It’s sole purpose, in my opinion, is to advance the lore of the Jedi. It provides an idea of how and why the Jedi may have become so mythical and elusive after Return of the Jedi.

I definitely recommend this book for Star Wars fans. I had a hard time putting it down.

diablo3-reading“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss


Book Review: Spark of the Resistance

Book Review: Spark of the ResistanceSpark of the Resistance by Justina Ireland
My rating: [rating=4]

I’m going to take this opportunity to speak on the Young Adult genre before I dive into this review. Granted, this book is actually classified as “Children’s Middle Grade” but I’m going to juxtapose the Young Adult genre to make my point. I am hardly a “young adult”; in fact I probably haven’t been one in 15 (or more) years. Regardless, I won’t turn down a good Young Adult novel, I’ve read quite a few. The genre doesn’t necessarily define the audience.

That being said, this is the first time I’ve read a “Middle Grade” children’s book for myself. Obviously its not a typical genre for me. There are four books in the Journey to Rise of Skywalker series (which includes the novelization of Rise of Skywalker). I really enjoy the new characters from the sequel trilogy and so very I’m eager to read more about them.

Biggs’ Synopsis and Review

This book takes place just a few months after the events of The Last Jedi. Rey, Poe, Rose and BB-8 are returning from a mission on behalf of General Organa. They unexpectedly receive a mysterious distress call, for the Resistance, from Minfar. Leary of a trap the heroes venture to Minfar where they befriend the Zixon and stumble onto a First Order plot.

This book is a mere 224 pages and probably about a 14pt font (perhaps these are characteristics of the “Middle Grade” genre). I really enjoyed the book and I’m very happy that I read it. Of course now I am committed to reading the other books in the series. Granted I’m not terribly upset by that, I had always planned on reading the Rise of Skywalker novelization anyway (I’ve read the novelization of all the other Skywalker movies). In fact I’ve already started a second book in the series. This book is not terribly vulgar or violent and the Zixon are your Ewok-like anthropomorphized creatures; because … Disney. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate the characters, just seemed like typical a Disney story mechanic.

It’s a quick, fun read and if you’re interested about the events that lead up to the ninth Skywalker film, I’d recommend reading this one. I mean, we’re all in quarantine anyway. If you’re alone and the weather is nice, you could hop out to the patio or balcony and easily read it in a day.


diablo3-reading“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss


Book Review: Odd Girl Out (Quadrail Book #3)

Odd Girl Out (Quadrail, #3)Odd Girl Out by Timothy Zahn
My rating: [rating=4]
(Goodreads link)

Odd Girl Out is the third book in the Quadrail series. I feel like these books are getting better as I go along. Frank seems to channel a bit more of his inner “Harry Dresden” and I’m enjoying it. This book is the half way point in the Quadrail series. Unfortunately I do not have books 4 and 5. If the right deal comes along I will pick them up but my list of books is so long right now that I should be reading what I already own.

Short Synopsis/Biggs’ Review

A mysterious woman is murdered just after an uninvited visit with Frank. Her sister is in trouble and asks for Frank’s help to protect her. Now he must return to the Quadrail, with Bayta, and travel to New Tigris to find her. The Modhri is also seeking the girl and seems hell bent on keeping Frank out of the way. Frank soon discovers there is much more to this girl than he was initially lead to believe.

As I’ve already alluded to, I really liked this book. The mysteries begin piling up as Frank discovers more about the Modhri and the Chahwyn. I think that’s what I enjoy about this book, you never know what new detail you’ll learn when you turn the page. Unlike the previous book, this one does end with a mild cliffhanger. A Chahwyn secret that leaves me extremely curious. In fact, while I didn’t rush off and buy book 4 immediately, I will be monitoring the price.

As I said in my review of Book 2 (The Third Lynx), I’m feeling more compelled to read these books again; after I finish the series of course.

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diablo3-reading“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss


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