A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences


The Chuck Norris ..er MMO Times

Issue 22

Hello Gamers! I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Here are some of the postings I found during my various opportunities to peruse the internet during my holiday. I hope you enjoy.

F2P DCUO Pays Off

I find the shift to Free-2-Play paradigm fascinating. Some of the games that have converted to F2P were met with failure, recently Lego Universe suffered this fate. Recently Sony decided to take DC Universe Online Free-2-Play and it looks like it paid off. I’m glad to hear that this worked out well for them. I found an interesting read at Venture Beat.
Venture Beat article

Chuck Norris Commercial

Blizzard aired a new WoW Commercial during the football games the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Yes, the newest celebrity to don a World of Warcraft character is the iconic Chuck Norris. Below is the video but for the e-mail I have a link to the WoW Insider post that contains the video for you to watch. Iconic, yet a bit corny. Enjoy.
WoW Insider post

Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculators

Blizzard unveiled the Mists of Pandaria talent calculators. I suspect WoW Head will have theirs updated to match the official talent calculators. I haven’t been able to look at them too much yet but its exciting to get to play around with them early.
WoW Insider post

TORHead Beta

One of my favorite websites for World of Warcraft is WoW Head. I love the information about all the loot and the talent calculator. Last week the beta of TORHead went live. It also has talent calculators, item details, crew skills, all the stuff you would expect it to have based on WoW Head. I’m very excited.
TOR Head website

WoW Patch 4.3 Live

The final patch for the Cataclysm expansion hit the live servers this week. The final raid, Dragon Soul, is now available to raiders. This is the final showdown with Deathwing. Players will also receive Transmog, Void Storage, three new instances as well as a few other goodies. The post from MMO-Champion has an excellent summation. WoW Insider has the official announcement from Bashiok.
WoW Insider article
MMO-Champion post

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The MMO Times: Panda Edition

Issue 19

Welcome back gamers! Issue 19 is brought to you by our new panda friends. We have a couple of interesting things to read in this issue but it is a little short. There is dated news in here so this issue needed to go out before November 1st. I hope you enjoy.

Aion 3.0 – Housing and Mounts

Aion is getting a huge patch soon and apparently it includes player housing and mounts. I guess the PvP players of Aion are none to excited about player housing the everyone else is. I guess there will be an armoire to store the variety of Daeva wardrobes (some of those costumes can be quite … interesting). The Wings Over Atreia post on Massively has a pretty good write-up.
Massively article

Secret Word Beta Has 500k Signed Up

I hadn’t realized there was so much interest in the upcoming Secret World MMO, and apparently Funcom was also surprised. They have already had half-a-million players sign up. I may have to check out this game to see what all the fuss is about. Speak up if you have an idea. Along with the link to the GameSpy article I have also provided a link to the games website where you can register for the beta.
GameSpy article
Secret World website

DC Universe Online Going F2P

Another MMO hops on the Free-2-Play bandwagon. SOE has offically announed that on November 1st (that is this coming Tuesday!) DC Universe Online will be Free-2-Play. I always find it interesting when another MMO decides to go Free-2-Play. I know it has to make things more competitive for other companies also trying to release and promote their titles. Personally I’m on the fence about Free-2-Play, perhaps a topic for a future post. Massively has the article.
Massively article

Diable 3 for WoW Players

I haven’t read this post in its entirety yet but I definitely will (that’s what the iPad is for), but I am definitely one of those WoW players that hasn’t played the first two Diablo’s but will be playing D3. I think a post like this is excellent for players, just like myself, to get caught up in the lore so we don’t feel so lost when we start playing Diabloe 3. Check it out on WoW Insider, it looks to be a good read.
WoW Insider article

Mists of Pandaria Developer Q&A

You can probably find the summary of the developer Q&A for the next WoW expansion everywhere, but I like the way MMO-Champion does it where its a transcript written like a blue post. You do have to scroll a bit to get there (there is a video of the Tyrael’s Charger mount for Annual Pass subscribers as well as a couple other PTR things). There is some good things covered but its a long read.
MMO-Champion post

[Shameless Plug] SWTOR: Bioware’s Launch Plans

One of the things I’m concerned about is how Bioware plans to handle launch. The way I understand it, and anyone please correct me where I’m wrong, is that Bioware plans to limit or control the number of players that can log in at launch… <read more>

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times – Cataclysmic Edition

Issue 12

Welcome to a special edition of MMO Times, the Cataclysmic Edition, where I bring you the top headlines from around the MMO-verse. I’m sure from the subtitle of this issue many can guess what news awaits below, which is why this issue is so soon after Issue 11. So read on fellow gamers, read on and enjoy!


Cataclysm Release Date Announced!!!
Yes, all the anticipation and speculation is over. Blizzard released an official Press Release on Monday, October 4th to let everyone know that the Cataclysm release date is – December 7th, 2010. The announcement raises two thoughts; when are we getting the big 4.0.1 Cataclysmic patch and what big news are they going to announce at Blizzcon. I guess we will know the answer to the latter at the end of the month. The WoW Insider link has the article with the press release.

DCUO Postponed until 2011
So while Blizzard has good news for the gaming world, SOE has disappointing news for DC comic fans as Sony Online Entertainment has announced that they will delay the release of DC Universe Online until 2011. Some are speculating SOE did this so they can avoid competing with the release of Cataclysm. Either way, fans have to wait a few months longer.

Aion to get patch 2.1
Immediately on the wings (haha, wings … Aion, haha) of their newest expansion, Assault on Balaurea, will come patch 2.1. This patch has already gone live on the Korean servers and the rumor is, in addition to the various bug fixes, there has been an increase in drop rates.

Going Live!

Allods Online Launching Volume 2
October 5th – Allods Online is launching its second volume, the Rise of Gorluxor which introduces a new raid boss, you guessed it, Gorluxor. There are also additional changes to the game. The links below have the Massively article as well as a link to the patch notes.
Patch Notes: http://en.forum.gpotato.eu/?CD=ALLODS_EN_F002&TC=0000000000&MD=VT&US=Y&AS=Y&TNO=1121105

Age of Conan Patch 2.0.7
October 6, 2010 – Players of Age of Conan will be experiencing the splendor of the latest 2.0.7 after extended maintenance on this day. The patch contains a few class tweaks and some zone tweaks that apparently caused some framerate issues for players.

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe.

The MMO Times – The Revival

Issue 10

I know it has been a while since I have posted a new MMO Times. I apologize for the lapse in delivery but I had to make a few adjustments to the mailing portion of The MMO Times. I am excited to say that the new mailing list is working great. So, without further adieu, here is the latest MMO rumblings.

Latest DCUO Screenshots
SOE has issued some new screenshots for DC Universe Online and they feature some combat and game locations. If you visit the article, there is a gallery at the bottom of the post; Massively has the info.

SWTOR Devs Talk About Designing the Jedi Classes
I love reporting more SWTOR news. This article from Massively has a video where the Bioware developers for SWTOR discuss the challenge of designing the two Jedi classes. Enjoy.

New Cataclysm Mounts and Pets
The latest beta build for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has some new mounts and pets. The most interesting of the items listed is the new companion mount where you are turned into the mount, and another player can ride on your back – my guess is this is the new Alchemist mount that has been alluded to before. I also think this gives a whole to meaning to “mount”.

Pre-Cataclysm Patch Download Starting
If you have played World of Warcraft at all this week  you will notice that the background downloader has started downloading a 1.58GB patch. Yes, that is the 4.0.1 patch that will begin the pre-Cataclysm changes to Azeroth. This means the world event for Cataclsym could happen very soon.

Going Live!Read below to see what games/patches/expansions have recently gone live.

Clone Wars Adventures Launches
September 15, 2010 – This F2P game from SOE, based on the popular Clones Wars animated series, has left open beta and is now live. I am a big Star Wars fan but I’m not sure about this one. I might give it a try and see what I think.

Beta News:

Vindictus Enters Open Beta
September 15, 2010 – This past week Vindictus entered into open beta and they are doing something interesting. You have to register to receive a key and it is required to play the beta. In addition, when you receive your beta, you receive two additional keys to share with friends.

Forsaken World Beta Keys Available
October 27, 2010 – Yes, I know its a month away before the latest F2P from PWE starts testing but you can go there now to receive your key to the closed beta.

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