A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Christmas

Movie Review: 8-Bit Christmas

8-Bit Christmas IMDB Link

Directed By: Michael Dowse
StarringNeil Patrick Harris, Steve Zahn, Winslow Fegley

My Rating:[rating=5]

It is rare to get to review a Christmas movie at Christmas time. I usually stick with watching all the Christmas movies I like instead of watching new ones. My brother-in-law sent me a text telling me I needed to watch this movie; so far I’ve watched it twice.

This movie is our generations version of “A Christmas Story”. I might even go so far as to say its a soft remake. The bulk of the film borrows several themes from A Christmas Story but applies them in its own unique way. It even goes so far as to include it’s own “F–––” moment. By the way, I have actually held that infamous Bill Ripken card in my hands; in fact my father still owns it.

Biggs’ Review

You can probably assume that I enjoyed this film since I have already mentioned I have watched it twice. It is rare to find a new Christmas movie to add to my cadre of Christmas movies I watch each year. This movie definitely makes the list. I remember getting my Nintendo, and playing it probably more often than I should have. It is the toy that defined our generation.

If you are a member of the Nintendo generation, I highly recommend this movie. If you don’t like “A Christmas Story”, you should still watch this movie because the beginning and ending is a lot different. Also, NPH is your narrator, the Jean Shephard, of this film. You can’t go wrong when Doogie Howser is telling the story.

film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.” 
– Stanley Kubrick

Biggs’ Top 5 Christmas Movies

Top 5 Christmas MoviesIt’s not a secret among my friends and family that Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love everything about Christmas. Therefore it makes sense for December to be the Top 5 Christmas movies. To keep things simple I’m ignoring the controversial Christmas movies: Nightmare Before Christmas and Die Hard.

I do love the Die Hard movies and I enjoy the humor of calling it a Christmas movie but this isn’t the time or place to discuss its merits as such. Nightmare Before Christmas has already made an appearance on a Top 5 list. The following Christmas movies are the ones I watch every year during the Christmas season (some more than once). So without further ado:

  1. White Christmas – an iconic Christmas movie starring the iconic yuletide crooner.
  2. Scrooged – this is an awesome retelling of the classic A Christmas Carol story.
  3. Home Alone – nothing says Christmas like a John Hughes Christmas classic.
  4. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – another John Hughes Christmas classic.
  5. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966) – Hollywood should stop remaking this; they can never do better than Boris Karloff.

Honorable Mentions

It was difficult to pick the top 5, just as it has been for several of the other Top 5 lists during this year. There are so many great Christmas movies from It’s a Wonderful Life to the 5 listed above. Don’t get me wrong, It’s a Wonderful Life is a … wonderful movie (see what I did there) but these are the honorable mentions that didn’t quite make the top five.

A Christmas Story is also a classic but seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it kind of movie. I have relatives that love this movie and will watch it’s 24-hour marathon on TNT every year on Christmas. I also have relatives that wish they never heard of Jean Shepherd; personally I don’t mind the movie and I’ll typically watch it at least once every year. It helps, I suppose, that I also grew up in northern Indiana.

A Christmas Carol (1951) is my favorite of the traditional version of this movie. There are so many versions of this film that its difficult to find a good one. Granted the muppet version is awesome but I still have to go with this version that stars Alastair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge. If you haven’t seen this version, I would highly recommend you do.

Merry Christmas!

I Have Spoken!


Merry Christmas!

Just want to wish anybody stopping by …


A Very Merry Christmas You Will HaveAs we sit on the brink of one of the most epic movie releases of the new millennium (falcon) and Christmas just around the corner I don’t know how busy things will become for me as I prepare my family for my favorite holiday. I wanted to make sure that I get a post out wishing all my family, friends and readers (the few of you there are, if any) a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a SAFE and HAPPY NEW YEAR!If you’re Jewish then I wish you a VERY HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!

I hope Santa Yoda brings you and your families all that you desire! If you only see Star Wars once or a dozen times, please be considerate of other folks who may not have the same opportunities you have and spoil it for them. I have already heard stories of cretinous trolls posting spoilers on social media because they know some people have to check their Facebook page every 12 seconds. I’m not one of those people as I could go all day without checking any social media webpage, but I will likely be too busy over the next 10 days to pay much attention to Facebook and/or Twitter. Besides it’s not really spoilers that I’m worried about as I am about finding out how many people will have seen the movie before I do (I’m not going to have a 3-hour window available between now and the weekend following Christmas). Be that as it may just show some respect for your fellow Star Wars fan! #DontBeAHomer

So with all that said, we will see you all on the other side of Christmas!


My Tropical Turkey Trip


I took this picture of the sunrise the day after Thanksgiving this year. We had a difficult year and we decided we would do something completely different for Thanksgiving this year so we spent it at a house that is on the Atlantic side of Florida. A little place called Daytona Beach. The roller coaster temperatures and weather patterns back home have definitely made the trip worth it. It’s quite a unique experience to stroll along the beach on Thanksgiving. I have my amazing in-laws to thank for creating a truly unique holiday experience.

My first stroll along the ocean, the beach was absolutely littered with jelly fish that have been washed ashore by the ebbing tide. I have never seen so many jelly fish. We spotted live crabs, sand dollars and pelicans skimming, literally inches, above the water. Shattered shells also littered the coast, most likely from the hawks that patrolled the skies, swooping down for a “mollusca munchie”. So, despite the dangers of the daystar, I did leave technology on the counter a couple times this week to indulge in the brilliance of the beach (though I admit I’m still not much of a beach person).

Our first night here, we sat out on the patio and listened to the waves crash on the shore while staring up at a cloudless night sky. It’s not very often where you have such a clear night to star gaze. There was also a rocket launch schedule for this week down at Cape Canaveral, however it was postponed twice during our trip. Had they launched the rocket, the chances were good that it’s trajectory would have taken it nearly right over our heads.

While I am feeling a bit homesick and anxious to see my dogs again, I don’t think my body is quite prepared to board a plane where its 68 degrees and deplane where it’s 30 degrees. However, now that its after Thanksgiving I can start putting up my Christmas lights, which I plan to do first thing. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this year and survived the Black Friday madness.


Tis the Season

I am not a politically correct person, so I am not going to wish you Happy Holidays.

I most certainly will not use the ridiculous phrase “Season’s Greetings!”

I don’t have time to figure out if you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, or Winter Veil!

I’m going to use the phrase that, to me, best expresses the joy of the season.

I’m not trying to force religion, or my religion on you by using it.

So if what I am about to say offends you, all I can say is … Buck Up, Sally!!!

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