Greetings all! It has been a while since I have posted anything on my blog. Life, as we all know, sometimes gets a little crazy. There was a curve ball or two thrown my way and, honestly, the news lately has just been atrocious. Assaults on various freedoms, bickering among party members, and this whole thing with Iran scares the shit out of me. But I’m not here to talk politics, I hate blogging about politics. I hate election years.

At any rate, I hope to be back in the saddle again immediately. I do like to blog and while I know not many people read my blogs, sometimes it can be extremely motivating when I find out people are reading. In fact, just before the “fit hit the shan” I found out that I hadĀ inspired a friend of mine to start his own blog. So I encourage you to visit Captain Light’s blog. I added it as a Suggested Link. He like to talk about movies, wrestling and various other topics. I’m extremely excited that I have motivated someone else to write more. Writing is great exercise for the brain, it helps you organize your thoughts and enhance your grammar and vocabulary.

All right, enough babble; time to start generating new post ideas.
