A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Avengers

Star Wars Profits from Avengers Box Office Success

A well earned and truly fantastic sentiment

It surprises me that someone hasn’t gloated to me about the insane box office numbers Avengers: Infinity War is generating. I’m not going to lie, there is a small bit of jealousy but, to be honest, I’m happy for Avengers. Disney is doing some amazing work with the MCU! I’ve always been a Marvel fan, probably my second favorite franchise (albeit a very distant second). I have just as much enthusiasm for its success as I do for any Star Wars film (which can be rare for some “fans”). As fans of nerd culture, there is no remorse for the dethroning of The Force Awakens by a comic book movie. Ultimately, Star Wars will profit from The Avengers box office success.

Profit Sharing

Marvel Cinematic Universe is apart of Marvel Studios which is [1]a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios, itself a wholly owned division of The Walt Disney Company“. Also a subsidiary of Disney is Lucasfilm and the entire Star Wars franchise. This Avengers movie marks the 10th year of the Marvel film franchise. Suffice it to say, Marvel movies have already peaked and are likely winding down. Star Wars, on the other hand, is just getting started. Therefore its only logical where all the money the Avengers (and other subsequent Marvel films) will be heading.

Yes, we have the Ant-Man sequel, Avengers 4, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and Captain Marvel where that money will also be used. Ultimately, however, all the profits benefit The Walt Disney Company media conglomerate as a whole. This is a 2-way street; I’m sure the 900 million dollars in domestic box office earnings from The Force Awakens is partially allocated to Marvel Studios. I know they are different subsidiaries but the bottom line is, both franchises affect the same stocks.

Brothers Shouldn’t Fight

Monetary reasons aside, neither franchise should be battling for supremacy. Let’s be honest, in high school if you liked Star Wars or comic books you were labeled a nerd. Isn’t it ironic that 20 years later that is all everyone talks about. It’s the only thing everyone is going to see in the theaters. The nerd connotation these franchises induced makes them brothers by association. As such, we need to be embracing each of their successes in the box office. Competing seems like pointless bickering. After all would you rather Star Wars and Marvel hold the top spot, or some romantic drama (or worse yet, a DC movie ?)?


film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick


TV Is Marvel-ous!

marvelFirst it was Vampires – post-Buffy vampires. Television networks and production studios became obsessed with vampires (thanks to Stephenie Meyer). Vampires are cool, except for the kind that sparkle *shudder*. Then “The Walking Dead”, “World War Z”, “Day Z”, etc; i.e. zombies! Zombies are much more interesting than vampires (except for iZombie, that show didn’t make sense, from a zombie canon perspective).

During the obsession with the undead Marvel was producing comic-movie-after-comic-movie, culminating in the first Avengers movie and Captain America: The First Avenger. Then the dam burst and the flood waters of Marvel super heroes started spilling forth not only more movies, but TV series as well. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, Daredevil and I believe there are more to come. I know DC has been trying to do the same thing with Gotham, Flash, Arrow, etc, but the Marvel shows have been doing something quite unique. All the shows and movies are linked. Events that happen in a movie will somehow directly or indirectly tie back into one of the shows (and vice-versa). This is something even Star Trek couldn’t keep consistent with all the TV series and movies.

I think its actually quite clever and brilliant marketing. I watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. just before Avengers: Age of Ultron came out and I immediately wanted to see the movie after that episode. The other thing the writers of the show do quite well is not to spoil the movies in the episodes that follow the movie’s release. I have yet to see The Dark World, and I know there have been references to the movie in an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but they didn’t say anything that gave anything away.

I know I’m probably the biased fanboy, and now all the Twi-hards get an opportunity to roll their eyes, but I really love the new comic content. Granted a few movies have been a little less than stellar (ex: the first Hulk movie), but I’ve been enjoying all of the TV series. Keep up the good work!

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

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