A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Android

Biggs On: iOS7 Impressions

apple_logo-263x300The new iOS 7 has been live for a few weeks now and over 200 million devices have made the switch. I updated both of my devices (an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4S – before I upgraded to the 5S). I heard mixed reactions while iOS 7 was in beta, but for the most part people liked it. I didn’t get a chance to try it out when it was in beta so I experienced it with the rest of the world the day after it went live.

Overall, I really like it. In my opinion, it seems cleaner, more modern and edgy. It’s easy on the eyes (unlike some other OSs whose “lively tiles”, according to some experts, may induce diarrhea). I’ll admit, it did seem a little sluggish on my 4S and I had to go in and make a few changes under the hood (as it were) so I could get a little more out of my battery. Honestly, that’s pretty typical of Apple. The latest iOS always seems to zap your battery and you have to go in and turn several background features off if you want your device to last longer than a day. In fact the first day I had my iPhone 5S the battery was nearly gone by the end of the day, which shouldn’t happen with a new phone. After turning off several features (such as Background App Refresh and Automatic App Updates) the phone battery performed much better.

On the other hand, the battery on my iPad 2, since updating to iOS 7, doesn’t seem to have been affected at all. With that said, I like iOS 7 more on the iPad then I do on the iPhone. Perhaps its because the screen is bigger and therefore easier to notice the subtle design changes in some of the icons and overall picture quality. Or maybe I’m just strange (which we all know has always been true, regardless).

I freaking love the Control Center. It’s so nice that I can just swipe up and toggle DND, WiFi, Airplane Mode, and several other Settings and Utility apps (such as calculator, camera, stop watch, flashlight). I’m a lot less likely to get caught looking at my phone in church when I forget to turn on DND because it can be toggled so much faster now. I know, I know. Android did it first, and I’m glad Android users have had that luxury longer, but its nice to finally have it on an Apple device.

If you haven’t updated your devices yet, I am going to encourage you to do it. Make sure you read about some of the tips folks have posted for improving your battery life, especially on older devices (and by older I mean pre-iPhone 5). If you have already updated, what do you think? What things do you like about it? If you don’t like it, I encourage you to share that as well.


Why I’m Getting The New iPhone

applesamsungIt’s not a secret that I predominately prefer Apple mobile devices. I’ve been using an iPhone since the 4 and prior to that I’ve been using an iPod since the first version. I’m not an Apple fanboy, though many have teased me that I am. I do not think the iPhone is a superior product over any comparable Android device. If I had to absolutely stop using the iPhone I would have no qualms about picking up an Android.

Windows Phone … well, that’s a different story. I would probably prefer two cans on a string next to a Windows Phone.

My contract is up; actually its been up since May. I knew a new Apple phone would be released this year so I’ve been holding off on renewing my contract until Apple decided to launch it. Obviously that wait is over. This Friday I will make a brazen attempt to get the iPhone 5S as part of my contract renewal. I’m getting the new iPhone because the iPhone is what I’m most comfortable with; that and I don’t want to spend the time reformatting all my music. I don’t bash any Android device because I’ve played around with one and they are really slick devices (unlike a Windows Phone where I was done using it within 30 seconds).

Generally I’ve been trying to only update my phone every-other-version of the iPhone. It saves on money and it feels like a more noticeable upgrade. My advice, if you are deciding which phone to get, don’t ask anyone that strongly prefers one or the other, just go to your carrier’s store and try out each phone. Choose the one that feels most comfortable and less likely to cause you any confusion when trying to complete all of your normal tasks.There are plenty of guru’s out there for Android and Apple phones to help you with any support issues you might encounter. Granted Apple has a bigger advantage with brick-and-mortar locations for quick, hands-on service and support but my understanding is most service techs at carrier stores are fairly knowledgeable of Android devices.


Turnabout’s Fair Play, Apple

apple_logo-263x300I read an article on CNET recently where the author claims that Apple is in bigger trouble than Microsoft. Granted he was speaking from a mobile perspective and perhaps from that point of view there might be some credence, but overall, I think Microsoft is in a deeper hole. Be that as it may, I do think he has a point (among many other people who have said similar things) that the iPhone is declining in popularity.

The iPhone used to be the hip gadget that everyone wanted, but now that everyone does have one, its not the cool thing to have anymore. This is the reason the author of the article thinks that Apple is in bigger trouble. I’m still really excited to pick up the new iPhone 5S this month and its primarily because I have the 4S and I’m due for a new phone on my contract. Honestly, though, I’m really only getting an iPhone because of the cost savings and comfort level. I’m just more comfortable with the iOS interface and I really don’t want to convert all my music.

Beyond that I don’t really have any brand loyalty. I think the Android phones are great phones as well (I’m not even going to comment on Windows Phone – not worth the text). In fact when people ask me “iPhone or Android”, I tell them that either one are great and they should go to a store that sells both and try it out. You need to pick the phone that you’re more comfortable using (and if that, unfortunately, happens to be a Windows Phone, then so be it).

If the giants are toppling (i.e. Apple and Microsoft) I’m more concerned about how that affects the industry then I am about how it will affect what cell phone I own. It will be a harsh reality for IT folks if Apple and Microsoft fall. Whether you love them or hate them, Apple and Microsoft are industry staples and are necessary to keep our world moving forward, Google can’t do it alone.

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