A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Andor

Andor Series Premiere

Andor Series Premiere

Another new Star Wars series, another episodic follow-up post. The Andor series premiere consists of three episodes and I, briefly, considered doing separate posts for each of them. However, since all three came out the same day I feel like I can keep them consolidated into one post.

I am going to quickly remind you where in the timeline Andor takes place. Season one will start 5 years before the events of Rogue One (aka BBY 5) and about 5 years after the end of Kenobi (“season one”). I don’t know if that second part is going to mean much to the story, but it at least establishes what events have (or have not) happened. Let’s get started.

Spoiler Warning!!!

The following contains spoilers for Andor Episodes 1, 2 & 3

Setting Some Andor Expectations

Star Wars Andor on Disney+ Sept 21st

The Andor series comes out on the 21st with three episodes to kick it off. This seems to be the least anticipated Star Wars series and that’s a shame. I am looking forward to a series where the Jedi/Sith mythos isn’t the center of the plot; which is one of the things I really enjoy about The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Be that as it may I want to kick things off by setting some Andor expectations. Perhaps talk about what characters we might see.

No “Fan Service”

I was originally going to share my character cameo predictions. However, during the September 2nd episode of Rebel Force Radio, the guys were interviewing Gary Whitta, a writer from the Rogue One movie. They were talking about the upcoming Andor series and Whitta said that according to showrunner Tony Gilroy, there will be “no fan service” in this series.

What does “no fan service” mean? Basically “moments in which references, cameos, or Easter eggs appear arbitrarily” in the episode or series to appease us minutia nerds. However, any element or legacy character that does show up will have a purpose for the plot or narrative. In other words there won’t be any blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shots of Chopper rolling by.

You know what else that means? THERE WILL NOT BE CLONE WARS FLASHBACKS!!! 😛

Character Appearances

With all that said, I still have a couple of predictions but I don’t really want to use the word “cameo”. I believe the following characters will appear in the series to serve a purpose for the story.

I had Saw Gerrera on the list but since he’s in the trailer, it doesn’t count. The first season takes place five years before Rogue One so it’s not likely we will see Tarkin; I feel like he will show up in the latter part of Season 2. Krennic was also on my list but, like Tarkin, he seems more likely to appear in the second season. These guys fall under my “possible-but-not-likely-to-appear” list.

Given Tony Gilroy’s statements and where this season falls on the timeline I think I only really have one, solid prediction. Bail Organa. If you’ve read the book Leia: Princess of Alderaan then you know that Bail Organa is one of the founding members of the Rebel Alliance and works very closely with Mon Mothma. I feel like if he doesn’t make an appearance then it’s kind of a big miss a possible disservice to the plot (depending on how it’s written).

Finally, we obviously will not see Jyn Erso, but I think Galen Erso might be a solid prediction (again, if he provides “protein” to the story).

What are some of your Andor expectations and/or predictions?


ICYMI: The Final Andor Trailer

There is a lot of stuff announced at D23 this weekend and a couple of trailers I need to share. I’m sure if you follow Star Wars news like I do then you probably have seen these already but I’m still posting them because that’s what I do. With that said, here is the final Andor trailer.


ICYMI: Official Andor Trailer

I knew this had to be coming soon since it was originally set to be released at the end of the month. As you will see in the trailer, Disney pushed the release to September 21st, however we are getting 3 episodes on that date. I’m not surprised, to be honest. Disney has several new series launching soon and they were all going to overlap. I suspect they did this to spread things out a little more. In any event, here is the newest and official Andor trailer. Enjoy.

Now I’m Really Excited

This actually makes me more excited for the series. I am not going to do a trailer breakdown. If you are interested in something like that, I recommend listening to the Rebel Force Radio podcast. I’m sure they will be doing a breakdown this week or next.

What I may do later this month is a predictions post about this series, including characters I think may have cameo’s. Saw Gerrera was going to be one of the characters but I guess he no longer qualifies as a “cameo”.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.


ICYMI: Star Wars Andor Teaser Trailer!

What a pleasant surprise! I was not expecting this little gem to be released today. Just as we are all getting ramped up for the release of the Kenobi series tomorrow, we get an Andor teaser trailer!

Here it is. Enjoy!

At this point its a little too soon to make any predictions or assumptions. It looks exciting yet ominous. Let’s just enjoy it for what it is.

Andor will premiere August 31st on Disney+


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