Fourteen years ago was the darkest day in US history. 2,977 people lost their lives to a most heinous act of terrorism I’m sure I will ever see in my lifetime. I hope Evie will never have to endure that kind of unquenchable heartache. Since that day in 2001 I have never once complained about the extra precautions that are taken when going through airport security. I would rather be patient and let the TSA do proper checks then ever see an tragedy like that happen again.
“I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.” – God
I remember waking up and not believing what I was hearing or seeing. I remember visiting ground zero a couple years later still feeling completely speechless. I think our continued vigilance was an important lesson learned, but there was something else I wish had persevered from that awful day. Unity. On that day it didn’t matter if you were Republican or Democrat. Liberal or Conservative. Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Atheist. Gay, Straight, Transgender, white or black. We all were wounded, lost, heartbroken and we needed one another to endure.
I wish we would treat each other like that again. It shouldn’t take an act of terrorism to stop the bickering and fighting. Neither side has the right answer but working together has a greater chance of a more suitable answer to our nations problems. We should stop telling the other side they are wrong and learn to accept that we all believe different things and learn how to appreciate those beliefs to a fair and just end. Our fighting is pointless.
Today I will not troll the other side. Today I will remain silent in reverence of those who, unwillingly, paid the ultimate price.
God Bless America.