A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Movie Review: Alice in Wonderland (3D)


I think a summary of the plot of this movie is moot. If you are not aware of the story of Alice in Wonderland then you have been living under a rock for 30 years. This movie was directed by Tim Burton so that alone should give you an idea of the mood this movie will have but also the attention to detail and caliber of acting the movie will contain.

I will admit I wasn’t sure right away if I wanted to see this film but a good friend of mine saw it before me and recommended we see it and see it in 3D. I’m glad I took his advice though I don’t know if I would go so far as to spend the extra $4 per ticket for 3D. Yes, the 3D was neat but I don’t think it added a lot to the film. I think the film would be just as unique and just as entertaining in regular 2D.

Johnny Depp was his usual odd and gifted self playing the Mad Hatter but I think the actor I enjoyed the most was Helena Botham Carter as the Red Queen. She was very entertaining. I don’t mean to undermine Depp’s acting in this film by that statement though, he still put on an excellent performance. All the actors, I felt, lived up to the standard one would expect from Tim Burton.

It is also my opinion to be cautious if you bring children to see this movie. It is dark and the Jabberwocky is pretty sinister not to mention the graphic method as to which Alice slays the Jabberwocky might be a bit much for younger children. However, the interaction between the Cheshire Cat and the March Hare isĀ  pretty humorous and might be appealing to a some young audiences.

If you have the time I would recommend this film though I would save your money if you have a choice between 2D and 3D unless you are a big fan of the 3D effect. I hope you enjoy the film.


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Just An Update

1 Comment

  1. Locutus-

    Jeannie and I saw this on our first trip to Alabama, it was definately worth seeing.

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