Title: The Tribes of Tatooine
Directed by: Steph Green
Runtime: 52 minutes
I am going to begin by getting something off my chest. Apparently this show is getting highly criticized because “they changed Boba Fett”. Boba Fett has about 3 minutes of total screen time across 11 movies; that is hardly sufficient time to establish everything about a character. I’m sorry if your creative meeting with Dave Filoni didn’t go your way, perhaps if you contact his secretary another meeting can be arranged.
We have this saying we tell our 7 year old when she doesn’t get her way: “You get what you get and you don’t get upset”. It’s pretty lame that a lesson for children has to be applied to adults. /EndSoapbox
Brief (Spoiler Free) Recap
Boba Fett’s attempts to establish his position as “daimyo” continues to meet more resistance. There are more that oppose his claim to Jabba’s throne. In his past, Boba continues to befriend the Tusken tribe that captured him by helping them thwart a familiar foe.
This is easily my favorite episode so far and that’s primarily because of the cameo’s. Before I get into that, we need to do this first …
The following content contains spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett S1E2 .