A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Project 2K10

Project 2K10: The First Day

Happy New Year!

I will not do a post everyday reviewing my progress on this new endeavor of mine; I decided that I would do a post on the first day. I have started. I set up everything on Wii Fit Plus, set up an exercise routine that was atleast 30 minutes and I started. I am feeling a little sore. There were a couple of leg workouts so my legs were feeling a little rubbery afterward but I need to strengthen the knees.

I have to admit, I think some of the new features in Wii Fit Plus are fun. The new Rhythm Parade was pretty fun and a decent workout. It’s amazing to think that I was actually sweating pretty profusely after playing Nintendo for 30 minutes. The game did pull down all my information from Wii Fit that I had stored on there from the last time I played it … which apparently was 107 days ago.

Yes, that is one hundred and seven days ago … now you see why I’m seeking methods for motivating myself to stick to my plan.

Project 2K10: The Plan

I’ve never been one to make New Years Resolution because I, like many Americans, never followed through with it. I’ve decided I will try it this year. I’ve decided that I will define my objectives here on my blog and document my progress. Perhaps publicly documenting my progress will provide enough motivation for me to complete my objectives.

I’ve decided I will entitle this series of blog posts as Project 2K10 so that posts regarding my progress can be distinguished among the other posts.

So what are my objectives for this project. I have 2:

1.) The quintessential New Years resolution, I plan to lose some weight. While the arthritis in my knees will perpetually cause me pain, losing weight will help to reduce the amount of discomfort I will have to endure. I will not foolishly abide by some silly carbs diet, or liquid diet or any other inane diet fab people are claiming to be remarkable. I am going to set up a regimen using Wii Fit Plus and watch what I eat more carefully.

2.) I will receive at least one certification. I have the study guides provided to me by my firm, the software and practice exams and my firm has vouchers I can use to take the exams. I feel I need to take my career to the next level and focus on an overall improvement of skills and I believe not only will this give me that edge but I will get a certification out of the venture as well (which can often result in a raise).

I hope this endeavor will be sufficient motivation for me to actually commit and see this through to the end.

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