Statler: I guess all’s well that ends well.
Waldorf: Doesn’t matter to me, as long as it ends.
(New category of Biggs cortical cogitations – in these posts I am going to talk about some of the latest noteworthy minutiae in cinema. Movies are my second favorite pastime. I love the movie making process from acting to lighting, special effects, soundtrack and cinematography. If you like movies, I hope you find these tidbits interesting as well.)
Short and Sweet!
The Rock Possibly in Expendables 3. I think every guy has those badass, testosterone enduced movies or movie franchises. I’m ready to admit that Expendables is one of mine. Despite what others might think of him, I’m actually a bigger fan of Dwayne Johnson the movie actor then WWE superstar; so yea, I’d really like to see him in an Expendables movie. No confirmation yet, but I guess he and Sly are good friends.
Thirteen Wants to be Wonder Woman. Olivia Wilde (aka Thirteen from House) has expressed interest in playing Wonder Woman in the Justice League movie. Umm, Yes Please!!!! In addition to being hot, I think she is also an under-appreciated actor. The other films I’ve seen her in (ex: Tron Legacy), I thought she did a fantastic job. While I think sci-fi is more her forte, I think she could easily pull of a super hero.
Alan Cumming Will Reprise Nighcrawler. Despite some of the negative commentary from the peanut galleries, I’m still optimistic about the next X-Men movie. Day’s of Future Past was a very pivotal story arc in the X-Men comic series. I’m pretty excited to see how the movie pans out and so far I think its looking really good. Alan Cumming has been confirmed to come back as Nightcrawler and he did a great job portraying Nighcrawler previously in X2.
That’s a wrap!