City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
My Rating: [rating 4]
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If I had been reading these books as they were being published I probably would have thought that City of Glass was the final book. Granted a few things were left unresolved, but the bad guy was vanquished and all seemed to be as it should. I don’t know if Cassandra Clare had intended on a book four or if all the books in the series were intended from the start.
City of Fallen Angels does start to address a few of those lingering, unresolved details. In fact a couple of those details kind of turn into a pretty big deal. I don’t really want to say too much because I don’t want to spoil the surprises in the book. I can say that while I was a little suspicious of what the plot of the book might be, as I read more I really began to realize what still remained unanswered. This book only begins to answer them; but be prepared for some cliffhangers.