Microsoft officially unveiled the new Windows 8 operating system today and WTF??!! Its horrible! Words cannot describe how asinine Windows 8 is going to be! If you haven’t seen it, Engadget has a few blog posts about it. If you use or have seen the Windows Phone 7 OS, well, that is what Windows 8 is going to be. Yes, there is no desktop, you get nice big, bright tiles as your desktop. Apparently its designed to work on Microsoft tablets and on desktop PCs.

*scratches head* What Microsoft Tablets?!?!

Oh! You mean the one they plan on releasing in 2012 … after there have been 3 versions of the iPad and at least 2 versions of the Galaxy and Xoom! Yea, I’m sure that’s going to be successful!

I don’t understand how someone could possibly think that a touch style OS was going to be useful on a keyboard and mouse style PC! What primate thought this was a good idea?!? And why the hell did everyone else agree with him. There is some serious narcotics in the drinking water in Redmond!

The ONE thing Microsoft was good at (sort of) was the operating system. The Zune is/was garbage, Bing is garbage, MSN is/was garbage, Windows Phone is garbage; every market Microsoft has tried to get into, that isn’t operating system, has been nothing but garbage!

Someone, either a co-worker or a blog comment I read somewhere, said “Every even version of Windows has been crap” and I completely agree and Windows 8 is continuing that motif.

Get a fracking brain, then get a fracking clue Steve Balmer!!