A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Biggs On: Restricted Internet

This is a special edition of Biggs On where I talk about Restricted Internet. Why have I chosen this as my next topic, because I am currently suffering from restricted access to the Internet. I do not have access to any IM client/protocol, I do not have access to my gmail, facebook, twitter, etc. Oddly enough, I do have access to my blog site; thank God I set it up on a private domain instead of choosing blogspot (or other similar free blogs).

So here is my rant on restricted Internet. It’s lame.

I am a software developer. I need access to certain areas out on the Internet that potentially have answers to some logical obstruction impeding my productivity. Yes, ok, I confess, gmail, facebook, twitter, World of Warcraft are not websites that will provide coding solutions that ail my current projects; but they provide pleasant distractions from the mundane, and often frustrating tasks that occasionally plague my day. Security reasons prohibit me from disclosing the type of client which is brutally suppressing my need to be extroverted but I know if you did know, you would understand that the nature of the business requires tight security.

I’m still of the opinion that as a person whose brain activity is tightly coupled with the need for mild distraction to improve productivity (I know, its an oxymoron) that I should be placed within a specific security group that allows extra amenities.

I know that sounds conceited and arrogant but, damn it I’m having serious withdrawl’s here!!!!



The MMO Times


The Theme Plague


  1. Locutus-

    Why are you on restricted internet?

  2. My internet is only restricted when I’m on site; as I mentioned in the post, for security reasons the client has to keep things tight.

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