Titan-Blizzard-01Issue 108: Well, summer is officially over and we welcome the fall of 2014; though it seems bizarre that fall is already upon us. The burning daystar will be in the sky for a shorter period of time over the next several months, however the temperatures will still keep us inside our various hovels. Granted, most of us don’t seem to mind our sequester as it just means “MOAR GAMING!!”

I don’t know if any of you have been trying out ArcheAge, I have downloaded it but I haven’t logged in yet. I hear that there is a nasty queue to endure when you try to log into the game so I guess that has been a pretty big negative about the game. I’ve also heard that once you do get past the queue that the game is pretty fun. Destiny has also launched, I’ve heard it feels like an MMO, I’ve heard otherwise. Is anyone trying it out? What do you think (besides the frustrations of the queue)?

I don’t think I can really beat around the bush that the biggest news to report with this issue is Blizzard’s sudden decision to cancel Titan. It may not be sudden for Blizzard, but it certainly came out of the blue for all of us. Regardless, all the major news hubs have a story regarding the announcement. So I guess then the title of this issue covers both the changing of the season and the biggest announcement. Would you believe me if I told you that wasn’t intentional until after I typed the words in the box? Anyway, lots of Blzzard stuff again (the WoD expansion is about 6 weeks away now), but there is other things to read about too.