A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Kotaku

The MMO Times: Five Hundred and Nine!

orc_yellIssue 110: Oh, wait, no, we’re just at one hundred and ten. I guess I have to move to Denver and nearly break my neck to get to 509. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, unless you are an NFL fan (the real thing, not the EA Sports kind) don’t worry about it. A completely random numerical title with a cultural reference just seemed like a fun thing to do. In any event, Warlords of Draenor pre-expansion patch is officially live. We all are having to learn how to play our characters again and we have to get used to the stat squish. Of course if you’re not playing WoW then all of that information is completely moot, but keep reading because I’m going stop referencing WoW now 🙂

There might be a Hearthstone clone in the works, STO and RIFT have some expansions that have gone live, a big BlizzCon announcement are just a few of the headlines that might catch your attention today. I found an article from September that talked about what Titan might have been so some of you might find that to be an interesting article to read. KCGO** 

The MMO Times: The Horde Is Coming!

Grommash HellscreamIssue 105: The world lost a wonderful and extraordinary soul this past week with the passing of comedian Robin Williams. His television shows and movies have been a part of my life since I was a kid and I feel utterly heartbroken by his passing, and even Blizzard responded to his death. RIP Oh Captain, My Captain! On a lighter note, Gamescom is happening this week in Germany. If anything noteworthy to the MMO community comes out of it, you should see something about it below.

Blizzard has finally released the official cinematic for Warlords of Draenor as well as the release date for the expansion. Bioware has some new things to show regarding the Dragon Age franchise and more about the Star Trek Online expansion that was announced last week. I’ll be honest, there is a lot about World of Warcraft in this issue because there are quite a few new details coming out about the upcoming expansion. There seems to be a lot more pomp and circumstance around the fifth expansion (probably because Blizzard has been bleeding subscribers). In any event, there are other things below that are not related to World of Warcraft. Enjoy!

The MMO Times: Independence Edition!

4th_fireworksIssue 101: Happy Independence Day (for those of us in the U.S.A.)!! I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July. I celebrated our country’s birthday on the beaches in Maryland which means I took a week off of gaming. My vacation also explains why this post is delayed so hopefully there is still something in here that will amuse and/or excite you.

There are quite a few exciting headlines, especially for fans of WoW and SWTOR. There are also details about the Pathfinder Online MMO that is incoming and some exciting news for Asheron’s Call (for those nostalgia MMO fans). Also, not to toot my own horn but I am in the beta/alpha for two of Blizzard’s games now (Heroes of the Storm and WoD) so hopefully I will be able to talk about those games though probably not in too much detail because of the NDA associated with all closed beta/alpha invites. I know a few of you have also received a WoD invite as well so we could probably talk in secret 🙂

The MMO Times: Fat Chocobo Edition

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 97: If you want to know why this is titled “Fat Chocobo”, you will have to read the post, but I will give you a hint … it might provide a means to get from point A to point B much faster. Beyond that it looks like folks are starting to thaw out from this crazy winter weather (well, most of us are thawing out anyway). As the weather gets nicer I’m sure our in-door activities will decrease. I know the “day star burns us” but you should find some time to get outside and get some Vitamin D (whether that means yard work or exercise). But there are plenty of hours in the day to get back in and pwn some mobs.

We have some more news from Blizzard regarding some of their titles currently in beta. There is a really interesting article about Elder Scrolls Online if you’re interested. I know a few of you, I think,  have managed to snag a beta. Please share some of your impressions if you like. There is more Final Fantasy XIV news (that might involve pudgy poultry), and some really exciting Star Wars: The Old Republic news! So strap in guys and check out these latest headlines!

The MMO Times: Here Come the Browncoats!

mmotimesheaderIssue 60: Greetings! Have you been diligent with your gaming resolutions? Are you excited for a new year of new titles, new content and expansions? The news for some of those titles and expansions are starting to roll in and some of the news is pretty exciting depending on your taste in MMOs.

This issue has some more information about Marvel Heroes, TERA and Age of Wushu. There are also some new titles to read about including Cryptic’s new title, Neverwinter and a some news for those that are big fans of Firefly.

(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)

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