A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Goodreads

Book Review: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

My [rating: 5]
(Click here to read this review on Goodreads.)

I have seen the movie several times prior to reading the book but that didn’t affect how quickly I was drawn into the story. As is pretty typical of all movies based off of books, the book is better. Much better. There are things going on that the movie doesn’t even begin to cover; and that’s not even the biggest difference between the two.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think the movie is great, but I think its great independently of the book. You almost need to separate the two and enjoy them on their own merits.

If you’re on the fence or even remotely thinking about reading the book, I’ll tell you right now – read it! I don’t care if you seen the movie a dozen times, reading the book will give you a completely different perspective.

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Book Review: Michael Vey #1

The Prisoner of Cell 25 (Michael Vey, #1)Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 by Richard Paul Evans

My [rating: 4]
(Click here to read this review on Goodreads.)

As strange as this may sound, this book was a recommendation from my parents, who are already reading the second book. I decided since I take recommendations from complete strangers (i.e. A Confederacy of Dunces) I should consider reading a recommendation from my parents 🙂

I’m glad I did because I really enjoyed this book. It kind of has an Avengers, comic book feel to the story. It’s entertaining. I enjoyed how most of the book is actually told from the first person, which is the book’s hero, Michael Vey. I also like that the main characters of the story are young adults, in their teens, who have to struggle not only with high school, social issues, but resisting the temptation of using their powers publicly.

If you need a pretty cool story, I would recommend this book. It’s a pretty quick read. I do plan on reading the second book, which is already available.

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Book Review: Keres’ Eyes

Keres' EyesKeres’ Eyes by Michael Curtis

My [rating: 4]
Click here to see my review on Goodreads.

I won this book as part of the First Reads program from Goodreads and it was the first book I won from First Reads so I was anxious to get started.

I really enjoyed this book. In fact I found it very difficult to put it down. Michael Curtis does a great job pulling the reader in and quickly identifying with the characters. You are ready to cheer when the villain gets it in the end.

If you’re really into crime dramas, this is a great read.

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Biggs On: Goodreads

If you are friends with me on Facebook you may have seen the occasional status post regarding progress I have made in books I am reading courtesy of Goodreads. If you haven’t checked out Goodreads yet, I highly recommend it if you are an avid reader such as myself. It is a website that is free to sign up and you can manage what books you have read, currently reading and would like to read.

The function of Goodreads doesn’t end at just managing your bookshelf. It can integrate with Facebook, GMail, twitter, Yahoo and Hotmail to try to link up with your friends. You never know if a book you friends are reading might interest you as well (and likewise for them). I have already found several recommendations both from friends and from the recommendation engine at Goodreads (based on the genre of books that you like).

Goodreads also has a giveaway program, called First Reads, where authors provide copies of their books and you can enter for a chance to win a copy. You can then post your review of the book on the Goodreads website which helps aspiring authors, and current authors, spread the news of their latest novel. It’s a pretty spiffy feature.

There are apps available for your mobile devices so you can manage your bookshelf while on the go including an ability to scan a book using your phone. They also integrate with eReaders, though so far it seems its only the Kindle, I have not seen where they offer nook versions.

I’m really impressed with this site and it can become pretty addicting. My to-read list seems to grow daily so I guess that’s a caveat as well 🙂


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