A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: George R.R. Martin

Biggs On: Game of Thrones (HBO Series)

The latest TV phenomenon is the HBO “perspective” of the Game of Thrones books. I actually have not been watching. I’m not really a fan of the deviation from the books. I realize that the author, George R. R. Martin (GRRM), is heavily involved with the retelling of his books. Perhaps his reasons for changing the fates of some characters or emphasizing certain character elements is his way of “correcting the flaws in the books”. Well then he should have fixed them before publishing the books. GRRM must be the worlds most A.D.D. author, or the most indecisive author.

I’m actually somewhat reluctant to read books 6 and 7 (if he ever gets around to publishing them) because I’m worried about the continuity with the first 5 books. He has already altered the fates of a few characters from the books. How will that affect the next book? If he uses some lame flashback mechanic or character recollection of the Red Wedding (**SPOILER**) to explain why suddenly Rob’s wife is dead (because she wasn’t killed at the Red Wedding in the book – in fact she wasn’t even at the wedding – and is the source of much controversy that she is carrying an heir), I will be quite upset and GRRM will be quite the sell out (and I know sell outs, I’m a George Lucas fan).

The old adage “the book is always better” definitely applies in this case but since the author has direct influence of the story told on HBO, then personally they will be two different entities. The HBO series will be a *cough*bastardized*cough* re-telling of the books and not worthy of my patronage.

Am I really the only one that feels this way? Is everyone else so taken in by the HBO series, and too intimidated to actually read a book, that these differences are not that troubling??

I think what pisses me off the most is that GoT was actually declared the best HBO series since The Sopranos!! REALLY!! The Sopranos was an original concept, not an adapted screenplay. There shouldn’t be any comparison. Oh, and aside from Peter Dinklage, the casting of GoT is terrible.

Book Review: A Dance With Dragons

A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin

My [rating: 4]
Click here to read my review on Goodreads.

Book 3 was my favorite and this one would probably come second. There were many times while reading this book that I became completely lost in the story. Anxious to read what will happen during the more thrilling and exciting parts.

The important thing to keep in mind when reading book five, as GRRM pointed out at the end of book 4, is that about 60% of this book takes place along the same timeline as all of book 4. One of the things that kept going through my mind when reading this book is thinking back to books 1 and 2 and how the lives of some of the characters have changed so dramatically. You will learn that some characters are barely even a shadow of their former selves.

I think the most difficult thing about finishing this book is knowing that I now have to wait until book 6 is published before I discover the fates of some key characters. GRRM is probably the master of cliffhangers and there are several cliffhangers left for you to ponder (perhaps obsessively?) while we wait in brutal anticipation for the story to continue.

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Book Review: A Feast for Crows

A Feast For CrowsA Feast For Crows by George R.R. Martin

My [rating: 4]
Click here to see this review on Goodreads.

Martin took an unexpected approach to most of the chapters in this book. I didn’t think I was going to like it but as I progressed further into the book it started to make more sense. There are also chapters focused on characters that hadn’t been the focus of chapters in previous books. It feels kind of awkward at first because you are so use to specific characters, but its interesting to see events unfolding from a different perspective.

Depending on who you are rooting for, you may be cheering by the end of the book as some characters are finally getting what they deserve for their treachery. There are several cliffhangers left for the reader by the end but the biggest cliffhanger is the final chapter as Martin pulls a little slight-of-hand on us but its important to read that last chapter as it sets up the context for the next book.

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Book Review: A Storm of Swords

A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3)A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin

My [rating: 5]
Click here to see this review on Goodreads.

The best book of the series (so far). Obviously I have two more to go (for now) but of the three I have read thus far, this is my favorite. It seems like the 1k+ pages moved quickly as new twists and surprises were unveiled.

The epilogue of this book has me reaching for book 4 almost immediately. It leaves you with so many things to wonder, none of which I want to mention specifically because I don’t want this review to contain any spoilers. I know these books are long but if you are still reading your way through the first two, I encourage you to keep going because book three changes the story quite a bit!

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Book Review: A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2)A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin

My [rating: 4]
(Click here to read my review on Goodreads.)

This is the second book in the Song of Fire and Ice series. I think the second was just as good as the first and I’d say it had a completely different tone. Yes, death is still the theme; you never know who will be the next to die. This book also gets a little darker in many facets. Darker will come in the form of “creepy” and in the form of destruction.

When I told friends and co-workers that I was going to start reading these books they all told me the same thing – “Don’t get too attached to characters in the book” because Martin has no qualms about killing off a character if it suits the story and the situation. I think, because of that advice, I read these books with a different approach. I’m always thinking, is this the last chapter I will read of this character.

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Book Review: A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

My [rating: 4]
(Click here to read the review on Goodreads.)

I really enjoyed this book by the end. I have to admit that it’s a little slow to start. I believe it was intended to be that way as a means to set up its rich web of characters and their relationships. I read this book without having seen any of the HBO series as I didn’t want the show to influence how I visualize the world and the characters.

It’s a long read, especially when there is a lot of character and plot development but I would recommend you stick to it. By the end you will be ready to read the next book. The chapter structure is different, which means I had no idea when I was reading the final chapter (unless you cheat and look ahead), but I really liked how it ended. If you will allow me to be trite (as well as an intentional pun), the end was “hot!”

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