Biggs' Zone

A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Skeleton Crew – Episode 6

Skeleton Crew - Episode 6 - KB smiling

Title: Zero Friends Again
Directed by: Bryce Dallas Howard
Runtime: 33 minutes

I’m way behind because the past seven days have been super busy between a family vacation and the end of the year. In this episode, we see the fallout of Jod’s greedy choices, and friendships are tested between the kids. We learn that KB suffered an accident recently enough that she remembers it and her augments are required to keep her alive.

This episode didn’t have much in the way of easter eggs. I’ll cover a few things below but that didn’t detract from the episode’s quality. Bryce Dallas Howard always directs an entertaining show, which is probably why she directs so many episodes across the various series.

2024 Year in Review

jumping from 2024 to 2025

We are now a quarter of a century into the new millennium. It’s hard to believe. Thankfully 2024 wasn’t as somber as the year before. In fact, 2024 was a fairly normal year. There are a couple of notable moments that I will get to in the sections below.

2024 Goodreads Reading Challenge

I did much better on my Goodreads reading challenge this year. The goal was set at 12 books and I finished 13 books this year. I finished the last book a mere 4 hours before midnight on New Year’s Eve. However, I did not knock any more books off my “read again” list primarily because I spent most of the year reading several series, as you will see in the list below.

2024 Goodreads Reading Challenge
  • A Killer’s Mind by Mike Omer
  • The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen
  • The Faithless Hawk by Margaret Owen
  • Empire of Storms by Sarah Maas
  • Fate of the Jedi: Outcast by Aaron Allston
  • Fate of the Jedi: Omen by Christie Golden
  • Kingdom of Ash by Sarah Maas
  • Fate of the Jedi: Abyss by Troy Denning
  • Fate of the Jedi: Backlash by Aaron Allston
  • The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah Maas
  • The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
  • Fate of the Jedi: Allies by Christie Golden
  • Forever Free by Joe Haldeman

Reading Challenge Statistics

As I said earlier, I read 13 books in 2024; of those 13 books, only 1 is not part of a series. The other 12 books are part of The Merciful Crow, Fate of the Jedi, Throne of Glass, and The Forever Free series. A Killer’s Mind is a crime novel that is outside my normal genre of books. The rest of the books are all in the fantasy and/or sci-fi genres.

Goodreads sent me a summary of the books I read in 2024 and I thought the data was pretty interesting. I read 5,473 pages excluding the book I’m already reading. The longest book I read was Kingdom of Ash at 980 pages and the shortest book was The Forever War at 254 pages.

If you like science fiction then I recommend The Forever War and Forever Free. The Throne of Glass books are really good but it’s an eight-book commitment and many of the books are pretty long.

The Fate of the Jedi series consists of nine books and they are considered Legends (i.e. it is not considered canon). The books take place about 40 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. I am really enjoying these books and I look forward to finishing the series in early 2025. I’ll get into the 2025 goals in an upcoming post.

How did you do with your 2024 reading goals?

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” 
– Dr. Seuss

Skeleton Crew – Episode 5

Skeleton Crew Episode 5

Title: You Have A Lot to Learn About Pirates
Directed by: Jake Schreier
Runtime: 45 minutes

After learning the identity of SM-33’s previous captain, Jod begins to show his true colors. This episode leans a bit more into the pirate theme and confirms a few things.

Spoilers Ahead!!!

James Gunn’s Superman Teaser Trailer

James Gunn’s story about the son of Krypton has its first teaser trailer. It’s not often that I post many trailers that don’t pertain to Star Wars, but maybe I should. Perhaps I will try to do more of it as long as it’s something I think is interesting and I have some thoughts to share. Without further ado, here is James Gunn’s Superman teaser trailer.

Skeleton Crew – Episode 4

Skeleton Crew - Episode 4

Title: Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin
Directed by: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
Runtime: 36 minutes

On their quest to return home, the crew finds themselves on a familiar planet, but something seems off. Were Kh’ymm’s coordinates wrong? This is our first “filler” episode; which was inevitable. I still enjoyed it although it did feel a little rushed. There is some minor character development, specifically Fern and Neel and a little bit more about the “Jewels of the Old Republic”. However, the end is the real treasure of this episode – see what I did there.

Thar Be Easter Eggs Here

There are fewer easter eggs in this episode and only a couple of them are Star Wars related. The climate control devices above the planet appears to be a callback to Operation: Cinder from the Star Wars comics. When SM-33 goes nuts his limbs extend which is similar to the E-XD series infiltrator droids as seen in an episode of Rebels.

I know this whole series is using just about every pirate trope in the book but this episode takes a much more literary approach to pirates. The Troik vs the Hattan feels a lot like the Lost Boys vs the Pirates in Peter Pan despite the fact that the leader of the Troik is an adult. However, the end of the episode has the best reference; in fact it’s probably my favorite part of the episode.

B.E.N. - Treasure Planet

If you are a fan of Robert Louis Stevenson then you probably recognize some of the themes at the end of the episode. Protecting the location of the treasure by altering the memory of a robot/droid is a reference to B.E.N. in Treasure Planet. The fact that the rest of the crew was slautered by the captain also to protect the location of the treasure is a direct reference to Treasure Island. It wouldn’t surprise me if the name of SM-33’s former captain is some play off of Captain Flint.

What did you notice about Skeleton Crew – Episode 4?


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