Today, May 12th is Domhnall Gleeson’s birthday so its only fitting that I post this article in his honor. In case you didn’t know, Domhnall Gleeson is our loveable(?) General Hux in the sequel trilogy. The banter between Hux and Oscar Isaac‘s Poe Dameron is some of my favorite dialog in the sequels. When I chose Domhnall it was because I wanted to know what else I have seen him in and I was surprised. So, with that said, I ask you … how much do you know about Domhnall Gleeson?
Like Father, Like Son
Domhnall Gleeson is an Irish actor and writer. He was born May 12th (duh), 1983 in Dublin, Ireland. Let’s get the obvious question out of the way first. His first name is pronounced “doh-nall”, the “m” is silent. I’m sure that’s what all of you were wondering 🙂

He is the son of an actor you may have heard of, Brendan Gleeson. He has appeared in seven films with his father and I’m sure you have heard of at least two of them. He is Bill Weasley in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2; his father, of course, plays Mad-Eye Moody. He is Thomas McGregor in the live action Peter Rabbit films. The first one isn’t that bad, especially if you have kids. I have not seen the second one.
Fun Fact: he competed with this father for Best Actor/Best Supporting Actor awards in a couple film festivals and lost, both times, to his father.
Hopefully he shows up to some Comic-Con or a Star Wars Celebration, I think I’d enjoy meeting him. I’d like to check out a few of his other roles so if you have a suggestion, please leave it in the comments. (If you are posting comments for the first time and it doesn’t appear, I have to approve all comments from new users.)