A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Movies Page 9 of 24

MMT: Fantasy Movies (April 2022)

The Monthly Movie Theme for April is Fantasy Movies (the orcs and elves kind, you pervert!). I didn’t really have a reason for picking fantasy for April. After making a list of themes I wanted to use, I chose in them in order (unless one fit a month more appropriately).

Here are are the fantasy movies I picked for 2022:

  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Editions)
  • Big Fish

Twice As Many And 14 Hours

I forgot how long the extended edition movies are. The Two Towers and the Return of the King are each 4+ hours long. Therefore about 12 hours of the movies in April span three of the movies on the list. Regardless of their length, they are great movies. Honestly, they are so enjoyable, your hardly notice how long you’ve been watching (until you look at the clock during the credits and go “oh s#!* it’s late!).

Big Fish is a great, feel good movie. I debated about including this movie as fantasy or drama. The “tall tale” themes is what convinced me. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend checking it out (you may need tissues for the end). It stars Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Ewan McGregor (of course I had to connect this post with Star Wars).

Special Event Movie(s)

April has two special event movie days (at least that I know of and/or that I observe). The first is April 6th which is First Contact Day. April 6th 2063 is the date man makes first contact with the Vulcans. I am, and will always be, a huge Star Wars fan, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy Star Trek. I have respect for the Trek. Every year, on the 6th (if its possible) I watch First Contact, which I have fond memories of seeing in the theaters with friends.

The second special event movie is a little more personal and one I don’t expect many other people to follow. I don’t like to get political on here and I try to avoid religion; however, during the week prior to Easter, I try to watch The Passion of the Christ. The operative word is “try”. As a religious person, there are sequences in that film that are very difficult to watch but I endure it because it gives me a greater appreciation of the message of Easter.

(See Last Month’s List)

Movie Review: The Batman

The Batman

The Batman

Starring: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Colin Farrell, Jeffery Wright
Director: Matt Reeves

My Rating: [rating=4]

Yes, we have another Batman movie. There are so many movies that tell the story of this capped crusader that it feels exhaustive. It also becomes difficult to invest in another Batman movie when they keep changing the actor that portrays him.

I’ve made myself pretty clear as to how I feel about the various Batman actors. I am NOT on the Batfleck train; I rank him just barely above George Clooney’s Batman (who is probably the worst portrayal). Will Robert Pattinson fair better?

The Riddler is terrorizing Gotham. He’s murdering people of affluence and power and leaving only cryptic clues for the Batman. The Gotham Police, with Lt. Gordon (Wright) and Batman must hunt down and capture him before more die.

I highly recommend this film, especially if you are fan of the franchise. I believe it’s still in theaters and on HBO Max (at the time of this writing). It’s a long movie (almost 3 hours) but it’s worth your time.

I have more to share but it involves spoilers …

MMT: Comedy Movies (March 2022)

The Monthly Movie Theme (MMT) for March is Comedy. March is the month in which I celebrate my birthday and I felt Comedy is probably my favorite genre. The comedy movies I picked for 2022 are:

  • Grumpy Old Men
  • Grumpier Old Men
  • The Odd Couple
  • The Odd Couple II
  • Out To Sea

A Theme Within a Theme

If you are familiar with these films you probably notice a theme within these selections. I was originally intending to only watch the first two movies on the list and then add other selections later. As I said in another post, they are two of my favorite comedy movies. After watching them I decided to make it an “Ode to Lemmon and Matthau” month.

Watching those movies is very nostalgic for me. They still make me laugh. My college roommate and I loved these movies and watching them really makes me think of those days. Even to this day he and I still frequently refer to each other as “Putz” and “Moron”.

Special Event Movie(s)

Some month have, what I call, special event movies. These movies often correspond to some nerdy holiday and I try to watch those movies on, or around, those days.

March has two: The Day of the Dude and Mario Day. The Day of the Dude is on March 6th and I watch The Big Lebowski. Mario day is March 10th (because Mar 10, looks like MarIO … get it?). Anyway. I will put on the Super Mario Brothers movie. I know that movie isn’t the greatest film ever made. It’s kind of become a bit of a cult classic despite it’s reputation.

Been A While and Movie Themes

I ran out of things to write about. It’s something that happens often. I guess I need to come up with more periodic themes and I think I’ve kind of come up with one. We will try it out for a few months and see how I like it.

Of course May is coming up next month and that means there will be a flurry of Star Wars posts. However I do feel like I need something else to talk about some times. Granted I live and breath Star Wars but I am a book nerd, software engineer, general tech nerd and a movie nerd.

Monthly Movie Themes

Monthly Movie Themes

My friends and family know that I have a fairly large movie collection (over 1,000). Obviously I don’t just collect movies to let them sit, they need to be watched. When there are so many movies to choose from, how do I pick what movie to watch?

I decided to assign a theme to each month of the year and then choose movies based on that theme. Just a couple movies; five at most. At the end of each month, if the mood strikes, I will write a post on the movies. I may share some thoughts on why I chose the movies or why they are in my collection. I’ll keep track of which movies I watch so next year I can watch a different arrangement of movies (that match the theme).

There will be a few exceptions. May will always be Star Wars movies. October will always be Halloween themed movies and December will always be Christmas.

Expect the March post soon.


Movie Review: Matrix Resurrections

Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections

Starring: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss

My Rating: [rating=4]

It’s been 18 years since Neo saved the world. Suddenly he’s back in the Matrix as Thomas Anderson, lead designer for a video game series based on his experience. It was real, wasn’t it? He has vivid dreams about it. Is he just a brilliant game designer suffering from severe psychosis?

Rumors have been stirring for years about a possible fourth movie. I think many didn’t think it was ever going to happen; and then that teaser trailer dropped and the Internet lost their mind. But did it live up to the hype?

Bigg’s Review and Analysis

This movie has a much bigger cast then I was expecting. Obviously we know Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss are reprising their roles, but there are a couple more familiar faces and cameos which I will leave that for you to find.

The addition of Jonathan Groff, Jessica Henwick, Neil Patrick Harris and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Morpheus (more on that in a bit) really rounds out the cast.

What a Mind Job

This movie is getting some harsh criticism. I’m not going to lie, don’t enter into this movie lightly, and you need to have seen the first three. It’s a little confusing in a few spots, but puzzling in a good way; at least in my opinion. It’s the kind of movie where I feel like the more I watch it the less confounded I’ll be. And I will watch it again, but I do feel like it’s the weaker of the four movies.

There are a couple of details I’d like to discuss but I feel I should do this first …

spoiler alert!!!

The following content contains spoilers for The Matrix Resurrections.

Movie Review: 8-Bit Christmas

8-Bit Christmas IMDB Link

Directed By: Michael Dowse
StarringNeil Patrick Harris, Steve Zahn, Winslow Fegley

My Rating:[rating=5]

It is rare to get to review a Christmas movie at Christmas time. I usually stick with watching all the Christmas movies I like instead of watching new ones. My brother-in-law sent me a text telling me I needed to watch this movie; so far I’ve watched it twice.

This movie is our generations version of “A Christmas Story”. I might even go so far as to say its a soft remake. The bulk of the film borrows several themes from A Christmas Story but applies them in its own unique way. It even goes so far as to include it’s own “F–––” moment. By the way, I have actually held that infamous Bill Ripken card in my hands; in fact my father still owns it.

Biggs’ Review

You can probably assume that I enjoyed this film since I have already mentioned I have watched it twice. It is rare to find a new Christmas movie to add to my cadre of Christmas movies I watch each year. This movie definitely makes the list. I remember getting my Nintendo, and playing it probably more often than I should have. It is the toy that defined our generation.

If you are a member of the Nintendo generation, I highly recommend this movie. If you don’t like “A Christmas Story”, you should still watch this movie because the beginning and ending is a lot different. Also, NPH is your narrator, the Jean Shephard, of this film. You can’t go wrong when Doogie Howser is telling the story.

film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.” 
– Stanley Kubrick

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