A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Movies Page 6 of 24

MMT: Superhero Month (2023)

In honor of Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine (for Deadpool 3), I decided to focus on Marvel for superhero month (2023). I am a much bigger fan of the Marvel universe than DC. This post is a couple of weeks late as I was on vacation. Here are the Wolverine-themed movies on this list for June 2023:

Star Wars Month (2023) Wrap-Up

It’s June 1st which means another Star Wars month has ended. I kept things pretty basic this year; I didn’t have much to post about. No new projects were announced nor any new trailers (I was hoping for a new Ahsoka trailer).

Skywalker Saga

This post also stands in for the Monthly Movie wrap-up post I do after each month. May’s theme should be obvious. Every year, during the month of May, is my Star Wars movie marathon. I managed to squeeze in all 11 movies but not on Disney+. My home theater has a pretty decent HD setup and I own all 11 movies either on Blu-ray or 4K.

I also watched the Kenobi series, again. Listening to the soundtracks is also on the list every May. In fact this year I even wrote a couple of posts about the music of Star Wars.

Bonus and Special Event Movies

Towel Day

There is a special event movie in May. On the 25th we celebrate Geek Pride Day. On the 25th I break from the Star Wars marathon to watch Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in honor of Towel Day.

Watching 12 movies in a month, and only during the work week, is pretty tough. Therefore there wasn’t a bonus movie. It really puts into perspective how many movies I can manage and sets a precedent for future movie selections for the other months of the year.

June is all about superheroes.


MMT: Fantasy Month (2023)

April is fantasy movies month. Fantasy is easily a top-five favorite genre of mine and it’s often coupled with Science Fiction. There is no common element for this year’s selections (as you’ll soon see); it was literally just some random selections within the Fantasy genre. Here is 2023’s Fantasy selections:

Willow and The Princess Bride are classics. I’ve been trying to get my hands on Willow for a while and finally snagged it on Blu-ray. This movie made the list because I hadn’t seen it in a long time and wanted to check out the Disney+ series. I don’t think I have to explain my reasons for watching The Princess Bride; to do so is “inconceivable!”.

MMT: Comedy Month (2023)

March is comedy month. Chosen simply because my birthday is in March and comedy is my favorite genre. Almost half of my Plex library is comedy movies. I guess I love to laugh. For each themed month, I try to choose movies with a common element. Last year it was an ode to Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. This year my selection of movies is all from the ’90s:

“You know, for Kids!”

I’m curious how many folks have seen all of these movies. In my opinion, they are all underappreciated. Down Periscope is another movie that I have seen enough times I can quote it. In fact, it’s one of those movies I find myself quoting in conversations. This is, also, Patton Oswalt’s film debut.

MMT: Drama Month (2023)

February is drama month. Again, since I didn’t start these posts until April of last year, I will cover last February as well. Drama movies rank about the middle of the pack for me in my list of favorite genres. I’ll watch a good, compelling drama but if it can’t hold my interest, I’ll zone out. These movies do not suffer from that fate.

February 2022 Selections

Biggs Top 5 Movie Villains

It’s been a couple of years since I’ve written a Top 5 post. I think I ran out of ideas and couldn’t keep up with the monthly iteration. I’m thinking about reviving it but perhaps only as inspiration strikes and not necessarily on a monthly basis. With that said, let’s do my Top 5 movie villains (these are in no particular order).

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