A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Fulmination

Soapbox: Cable Companies

overworked-290x290I had to do the Cable Company dance again. I had to cancel one and switch to the other again in order to receive the better deal. I will, most likely, have to do this again in two years because our “deal” will have expired and the bill will spike up another $30-40. It’s ridiculous that I have to do this dance every other year. I don’t understand why cable companies can’t be more like cell phone companies, every two years renew your contract at a discounted rate.

Yea, I get that they probably make most of their money from people that suddenly decide they don’t give a damn when their current deal ends and they just pay the extra charges. Perhaps the number of people that actually do drop service to switch to a cheaper service is a smaller percentage. Be that as it may, I still don’t understand why they are so difficult to negotiate with when I call a month before my contract expires to try to extend my coverage and keep my lower rate. I would think they would want to keep me as a customer. Loyalty builds a steadier stream of income. I shouldn’t have to go to twitter and start berating them before I get cooperation.

I’m getting close to just “cutting-the-cord” on cable in general, I know several of my friends already have. The technology available in Blu-ray players and Smart TVs today almost make it more affordable to ditch cable and access all the shows and movies from the Internet. We just switched so, for the time being, I’m going to endure with this cable provider but when it gets close to the end of my contract then I think it will be time to be the biggest pain in the ass as possible. I’m just tired of the hassle of switching providers all the time.


Soapbox: Looney Thin-skins!

soapbox_webI cannot believe we are still having a spat over the name of the Washington Redskins! The team has been known as the Redskins since 1933! Since you’re probably too obtuse to do the math, that’s 80 years folks!! Are we really still hoping to change the name of a team that has been around for 8 decades? The thing that really grinds my last nerve about this, its not even the Native Americans that are relentlessly bitching about this!

People are too damn sensitive these days! I feel like we’re all walking on eggshells because the slightest innuendo or phrase can be misconstrued to offend someone. Maybe we need to regress back to how cavemen spoke so our reduced vocabulary and guttural noises will keep everyone happy. Obviously we’re not all intelligent enough to know the difference between intentionally offending someone and the fact that its just a damn team name!

People are too thin-skinned! Maybe we should legalize marijuana because 50 years ago the people that would protest such minutia were the potheads but they were too stoned to be taken seriously. Today, through the power of Internet and the antagonist media, they are more obnoxious then ever! If you don’t like the team name, fine! Don’t be a Washington Redskins fan. Hell, I don’t care if you hate the NFL, then go watch a Curling match, I just don’t want to hear you spew your disgusting ignorance!

On a final note, shame on you Bob Costas! You ignorant turncoat!

/end soapbox

Microsoft, Stop The Bleeding!

bsod**Disclaimer: I am going to warn you right now. If you are a Microsoft fanboy in any capacity, you might not want to continue reading this post. I’m venting here, and I’m probably going to get pretty scathing as I’ve nearly lost all faith in Microsoft (and I had very little to begin with).**

In the late 90’s and the early part of last decade I was extremely anti-Microsoft. I did not use Windows; I used Slackware Linux with Windows running in a VM only when I absolutely needed it. As my programming skills improved I started to get more into .NET. Then, when Windows XP came out, the XBox, and Visual Studio, I turned a new leaf. I liked using Windows XP, I played XBox games quite often and I really enjoyed coding in Visual Studio; I even attended a Visual Studio launch event. Windows 7 became, hands down, the best version of Windows I had ever used and it actually gave me a ray of hope in the direction Microsoft was heading (despite the bizarre behavior of Steve Balmer).

Perhaps “Overly Sensitive” Is Better

gus_facepalmI’m a big fan of country music. I’ve attended more country music concerts then I have any other genre of music. I think one of the best artists in the industry is Brad Paisley and I still believe that. Which is why I think this brouhaha over his latest duet with LL Cool J is just ridiculous. If you have followed Brad Paisley’s career in any capacity then you know that he is known for making witty and clever songs. He’s never made a song where he’s intentionally berating or bashing anyone of any race, creed, gender, etc with the possible exception of “rednecks”.

The fact that people latch onto the term “racist” and yet nobody gives a rip about the abundant use of the word “redneck” just shows how obtuse and single-minded people are. Maybe “overly sensitive” isn’t the correct description either. Perhaps “Abundantly Stupid” is a more fitting description of how myopic society has become. It’s also entirely possible that trolls have gone main stream and just like to pick little fights because (to steal a quote from The Dark Knight) “some men, just want to watch the world burn.” I think political correctness has changed from a righteous cause to an excuse to stir up petty arguments.

I’m sure this whole ordeal has already blown over, and I’m posting a day too late but its aggravating how utterly foolish people have become. By the way, I picked up Brad Paisley’s, now infamous, new album last night on iTunes. It’s called Wheelhouse for those that want to support a great artist! It’s an excellent album!

/end soapbox

Mickey Mouse is Dead to Me!

mickey-mouse-dead-mouse-trap-disneyI started by giving Disney the benefit of the doubt when we all heard about its acquisition of everything Star Wars. The latest news has me wondering if my trust was misplaced.

If you haven’t heard yet, Disney is shutting down the LucasArts division, thereby throwing 150 programmers into unemployment. If that wasn’t tragic enough, all those great Star Wars titles are now a thing of the past, any projects that were in the works (ex: Star Wars 1313) has been canceled, and it leaves me wondering what will happen to existing titles that relied on the LucasArts backing?

This isn’t the first victim of Disney’s chopping block; remember they are ending the Clone Wars series. It’s ironic that the company that is responsible for creating childhood memories, is slowly dismantling mine! I’m now legitimately concerned about SWTOR because I was just starting to get back into that game. The Clone Wars series was highly successful so obviously how well a product is doing doesn’t mean its safe from Disney executives. The tumultuous start of SWTOR might be a blemish Disney doesn’t want to salvage especially now that LucasArts is gone.

I’m angry that all those programmers that developed so many great titles are just cast aside like dirty laundry. I certainly hope it was an issue of redundancy that often accompanies the purchase of another large corporation. As far as the titles are concerned I hope that Disney will absorb them into their collective of video game media and try to keep those titles alive and functioning.

Disney is doing the gamer and Star Wars community a huge disservice. I hope they plan to make it up to all of us but it damn well better be something extraordinary! Something akin to the invention of Mountain Dew and Cheetos!

/end rant

Soapbox: Forking & Dongles

overworked-290x290The tech industry is full of phallic terminology. Every day I make a double entendre about something in the computer and/or programming industry. Granted I’m cognizant of my audience and anyone that might be able to hear what I’m saying. In the case of Adria Richards vs A-Predominately-Male-Industry, while I don’t dismiss her right to be offended, the way she handled it wasn’t prudent either; especially when the comments weren’t even directed toward her.

Be that as it may, the tech industry is dominated by males; and, as a male myself, most of us are neanderthals! I’m not saying that women are not welcome in the tech industry, in fact I encourage more women to get involved because its already too much of a “sausage-fest”. Yes, there is a time and a place for certain remarks and perhaps those boys at PyCon could have picked a better time for their sordid conversation but boys will be boys; and in an industry where stress is as necessary as caffeine, stress needs an outlet. Actually most of the women I know that are in this industry often partake and sometimes take it to a whole new level.

If women like Adria Richards cannot handle an industry full of “forking code”, USB dongles and “fscking” a computer then perhaps you’re not a good fit. I don’t care how much you tweet or blog about how “sexist” these terms are, you cannot change decades of standard vernacular. People, like me, will not stop using appropriate terminology just because it might sound inappropriate (in which case I ask who’s the real pervert).

There are lessons on both sides of the debate here. Be more aware of the volume of your conversation and courteous of those around you. At the same time, be careful what you post on the Internet because the world will see it and you just don’t know what you will stir up. Tibetan Philosophy states “Don’t start none, won’t be none” (source).

/end soapbox

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