Obviously there wasn’t a new episode last week. The season is only seven episodes, but I hope there will be more. Be that as it may, how about some Book of Boba Fett final thoughts about season 1.
Just a quick caveat, I am going to assume if you’re reading this post then you have seen all seven episodes. This is the one, and only, spoiler warning. Stop now if you are behind or haven’t watched the series yet.
My Thoughts Overall
If you’ve read each of my episodic write ups then you should know by now that I did enjoy the series. The first episode is a little slow but things did ramp up quickly. It didn’t have quite the draw The Mandalorian had but there isn’t that “baby yoda” appeal. I feel like Disney expected that.
There are people that said to me the show is “confusing” or they “didn’t get it”. I can understand that. This series seems tailored more toward a narrower fan base. There are subtle references to all the movies, in all the trilogies. If you’re not quite as obsessed astute as me, then I’m sure you missed those minor details.
I do feel like The Mandalorian was featured too much during the second half of the season. It took away from the focus of the series and, essentially, turned the series into “The Mandalorian Season 2.5”. I’m also not a fan of the “hover moped gang”; it was a waste of Sophie Thatcher. In fact I could have done with less of the “mod squad” and more of Black Krrsantan.
The TLJ Connection
I was never under the illusion that the Disney+ Star Wars series were going to “rewrite the sequel trilogy”. I love the sequel trilogy and I never want any of it besmirched by such an audacious act. It’s mildly amusing that there is a naïve group of people that were convinced Filoni and Favreau were planning to retcon Rey and Kylo. The butthurt and bullying that ensued after starwars.com officially linked Chapter 6 to The Last Jedi is embarrassing.
I really hope we see more of Black Krrsantan, although it will probably be an earlier version of him in the Kenobi series. If you’ve read any of the comics then you’re aware they do have a past. I LOVE the revamped N-1 Naboo Starfighter; it possibly foreshadows that Din Djarin might be leaving his bounty hunting life.
Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t the last we see of Cad Bane. Some astute fans are pointing out, Cad Bane may still be alive. There are indicators on a panel on his chest. After Boba Fett kills him, one of them starts blinking. This could be some kind of defibrillator or emergency triage device, perhaps even a beacon. Cad Bane wasn’t always a lone wolf.
If he is dead, it’s like Ben Solo’s death, a little bittersweet but their death ends a chapter to allow the beginning of new adventures. I’m glad he went down squaring off with Boba Fett. I can’t think of a better death for this character.
I think another season is entirely plausible. Boba only eliminated the Pyke Syndicate presence on Tatooine, not the entire Pyke Syndicate. They could even use the flashback angle to go as far back as Empire Strikes Back to tell more of Boba’s past.
In the meantime, while we hypothesize The Book of Boba Fett’s future, we wait for the Kenobi series; which premieres May 25th on Disney+.