We are a week into the second season of The Bad Batch. It’s a series that follows a group of genetically altered clone troopers after Order 66. Some of you might be wondering where is The Bad Batch episodic post.
The short answer is that I hadn’t planned on doing posts for all the episodes as I do for live-action. The Bad Batch appeals to a much more niche audience. Fans of The Clone Wars and the first season are the target demographic for this show. I feel the live-action series target a much broader audience.
If there is a desire for episodic posts I can certainly oblige (although given the meager audience I have, I’m not expecting a response). If you’ve never watched The Bad Batch or any of the animated series, I highly encourage you to do so. They are canon (ex: Ahsoka, Hera, Sabine, etc) and they do enrich the overall Star Wars Disney universe.
If you are watching The Bad Batch (and you’re reading this), leave a comment with your thoughts.