A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: MMO Page 22 of 26

What If Your MMO Shutdown

Last week the MMO community bid farewell to a much adored game, City of Heroes. I remember when CoH came out and I knew several people that were playing it. I had friends that would often return to Paragon City when they were bored with World of Warcraft. I never played City of Heroes but I considered it many times. It looks like Massively did a good job broadcasting the final sign off as the servers were shutdown for the last time (you click here to see the video if you want, its a little over an hour and a half.)

Every time I read about a title shutting down I often think about what I am currently invested in. While I am still in the process of returning to SWTOR, I still play WoW quite regularly. I often hypothesis what I would do if Blizzard suddenly announced that they had to shutdown all of the WoW servers permanently. It would be heartbreaking because I have made quite a few friends. I have been in the same guild for over 7 years and most of those friends have been there just as long as I have.

If the servers were to be shutdown forever the only thing I could think to do would be to start visiting some of my favorite locations in Azeroth and start amassing a ridiculous collection of screenshots. I’d probably do every raid and dungeon in the game. Screenshots of all my toons, my various pets, mounts, etc. Most importantly I would be taking screenshots with everyone from the guild. I would definitely have to post these images in a gallery somewhere and give everyone access. Perhaps even keep the website alive so we can all touch base every now and again.

I’m sure many of us would move on to another game, but I doubt if I would invest the same amount of time and energy. I think doing it once is enough for me, doing it again would be akin to madness. It’s really difficult to say what I would do especially when its hypothetical. In fact there is a greater likelihood that life will be the reason I stop playing before all the WoW servers go offline but you never know what tomorrow brings.

So what would you do if your game ended?

The MMO Times: Bidding Farewell to CoH

Issue 55: Greetings Gamers! If you are playing WoW then you already know that Patch 5.1 went live recently. If you want to know what was in that patch, MMO-Champion provides a pretty good synopsis. As the dust settles from the flurry of trying to get the best deal, take a moment to check out the latest gaming news or bid farewell to City of Heroes as NCSoft will be shutting down the servers at midnight (PST) on the 30th.

There is more news and rewards for preferred members of SWTOR, a new DCUO update, some new features for MechWarrior Online and more! So if you are done with the Amazon Lightning Deals or have finished your Christmas shopping, or maybe you are just taking a break from it all hopefully there is something you find interesting in this issue of The Times. Read on and game on friends!

(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)

The MMO Times: Sans Kitchen Sink

Issue 53: Greetings Gamers! As you will see after the break, this has been a pretty busy week because it feels like everything (except the kitchen sink) is getting an update and, finally, the launch of the SWTOR Free-2-Play option and Update 1.5. I am surprised that the 5.1 update for Mists of Pandaria has not been released yet. It seems like it has been on the PTR forever!

If you are wondering, like me, when to expect the 5.1 patch for Mists of Pandaria, they are starting to publish Release Candidate builds to the PTR. This means that the builds they are compiling are nearly ready for live servers (my prediction is next week – Happy Thanksgiving!). In the meantime, check out the latest news regarding RIFT, EverQuest II, SWTOR, Aion and other exciting titles. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Jedi, Zombies & Kitties!

Issue 52 – Greetings again, Gamers! It has kind of been a slow week for gaming news, I think with all that news regarding Hurricane Sandy and the Election, but there is some pretty exciting things in this issue. If you are an avid pet collector in WoW then you are going to be excited about the “hot” little item coming soon and its sales will help the relief efforts of those displaced by Hurricane Sandy.

There is also more news about Elder Scrolls Online, the SWTOR announcement we have all been waiting for, more unveils for Aion 4.0, a new MechWarrior Online trailer, and more. Hopefully I have wet  your taste buds enough to put down the Halo 4 and check out these headlines. Read on and game on, friends!!

The MMO Times: 50!

Issue 50: Hello Everybody! I can’t believe I am sending out the 50th issue of this email/post. I hope all of you have found the stories I provide useful and interesting. This issue has some updates on some titles many of us may have forgotten about. Since Blizzard and Bioware have been doing random server maintenance perhaps this will be a good thing to check out during that down time.

This issue we have several new trailers for a couple titles we haven’t heard much about lately, including Age of Wushu and Transformers Universe. Since New York Comic Con 2012 just happened, several companies took the opportunity to unveil the trailers for their upcoming titles. There is also more information about changes coming to future updates of Aion and the new RIFT expansion, Storm Legion. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Before the Mists

Issue 46

Greetings Gamers. This week was kind of a quiet week and I think its because most of the big news is already out there. We all know that the fourth World of Warcraft expansion is less than 10 days away and the first of their new Scenario’s starts on Tuesday with the razing of Theramore. Of course the other game that has been keeping people distracted is Guild Wars 2, which I haven’t tried yet but I might give it a whirl around the holidays.

This week in gaming news we mostly have updates coming down the line for SWTOR and The Secret World and more Panda teasers. NCSoft is bringing more games over to the Western continents and its a martial arts MMO which might interest some. Read on and game on, friends.

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