A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: MMO Page 19 of 26

The MMO Times: Thanks For Your Sacrifice!

mmotimesheaderIssue 75: Happy Memorial Day, Gamers. While spending your three-day weekend “pwning noobs”, raiding or questing, please remember our service men and women who gave their lives so that we may have the freedom to pwn noobs. Please take some time this weekend to come out from behind the computer or gaming console, go to a cook out, visit a cemetery of fallen soldiers, and remember those that fought for this country.

A lot of patches went live last week but the one that stands out to me the most was the WoW patch 5.3, which apparently has had several hot fixes since it went live. In fact instead of the 5.4 talks starting, its all been blue posts containing details of what was recently hot fixed. I have been hearing some good things about the SWTOR patch; post your feedback and comments with your thoughts.

MechWarrior Online has a new map they are showing off, Guild Wars 2 is a little easier to afford, and we are on the cusp of the Marvel Heroes release. I’m a couple of headlines short this issue because of the impending holiday weekend but I hope there are headlines here that strike your fancy! Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Patch Pandemonium

mmotimesheaderIssue 74: The next patch for World of Warcraft, 5.3, did not go live this week. Based on the release pattern of the content patches this expansion I would expect the final Mists of Pandaria patch, 5.4, to be here around August (when Garrosh gets what he deserves). In the meantime, several other games are patching in new content, a few of which are available now!

I’m not going to mention everything that patched this week because then you might not read the rest of this post. There’s no need for any Jedi Mind Tricks, though I know you are “dye-ing” to know what’s new in SWTOR. There’s even some League of Legends news! 

MMO Times: Back In The Saddle

mmotimesheaderIssue 72: After an extremely stressful week from all fronts of life on top of being sick with food poisoning, the MMO Times is back to bring you all some gaming news. Well, the headlines of gaming news that is. Life lesson, even if coffee has been in the freezer, don’t drink it if its over a year old, it can make you sick. It’s especially upsetting if you are a coffee lover. But I digress.

There are a few titles hitting their beta periods that you might want to check out. There is already a SWTOR patch coming out after the launch of its first expansion (which I guess was pretty successful). A new issue for The Secret World and other gaming goodies. Check it out, gamers!

The MMO Times: Launch Day!

mmotimesheaderIssue 71: Last week was launch week for a couple of titles (or expansions) that I have been talking about often. I’m sure you are aware by now that these titles are Age of Wushu and SWTOR’s first expansion. Read on to see additional details about their respective launches. I haven’t picked up the SWTOR expansion yet. I want to but I’m still trying to justify the cost since so few of my friends are still playing it I lack the motivation.

If you are playing the SWTOR expansion, I’d like to hear from you. I’ve already received some great feedback from the folks on Google+. Actually, if you are partaking in any of the new things talked about in this issue I’d be curious as to your impressions. Age of Wushu went live, some new raid content for TSW, we have some more Infinite Crisis news and more!

On a final note, I want to express my heartfelt sorrow for those victims of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Its despicable that someone is capable of such atrocities. My thoughts and prayers are with all the runners and the communities affected by this tragedy.

The MMO Times: Blizzcon is Back!

mmotimesheaderIssue 70: A moment of silence for the loss of LucasArts … as Disney continues its effort to deconstruct my childhood. I’ve covered this topic in a separate post so lets focus on more fitting and jovial topics. So whether you are plundering The Throne of Thunder or questing in Cairo, here is some news for you while waiting for queues or maintenance to complete.

There is some exciting news regarding Blizzcon which I know we are all pumped for its return. Actually there is more Blizzard news too, regarding their secret new project. More features coming to Age of Wushu (theoretically), more Neverwinter beta news; I mean after a slow trickle of news post-PAX East, its good to finally have several topics to read about. Enjoy!

The MMO Times: OMG! Change Your Profile Image!

mmotimesheaderIssue 69: PAX East is over and thus the news slows down. I mean all the great new information was already unveiled last weekend so there isn’t much to talk about that will usurp all the residual buzz. I tried to put together a few articles for your Easter weekend.

The first SWTOR expansion has an official release date (and don’t forget that this weekend is another double XP weekend), a new Turbine title related to the DC Universe, Runescape 3 and Neverwinter news and more! Check it out!

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