A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: MMO Page 18 of 26

The MMO Times: Happy Birthday, America!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 81: Happy Independence Day, everyone! In celebration of the birthday of our great nation, let’s set aside our political differences. We should be celebrating the fact that we even have the freedom to express our beliefs. Also, be safe when you go out there to blow things up! Just because there are no repercussions when we blow things up in our games doesn’t mean that translates to real life. You can’t game if you lose a hand because you weren’t safe!

This is getting an early posting since I may not be available to provide any additional headlines that appear over the next couple of days. I’ll either be gaming (there is, after all, The Secret World’s anniversary celebration going on), blowing stuff up, or watching other people blow stuff up.

I’m sure the rest of you may also be indulging in similar activities but here are some headlines to read about. We have some MWO and Runescape 3 release date news, a new Blizzard beta product, The Secret World, SWTOR, and much more. Happy 4th!

The MMO Times: Dude, Our MMO’s Awesome!

Issue 80Issue 80: I’m pretty sure that’s what DOMA stands for. Anyway, in World of Warcraft the first of the PTR raid tests have begun. This is usually an indication that the latest patch is probably within 6 weeks of hitting live servers. Granted they’re only testing two bosses and there are several bosses to test, plus they are only testing normal modes, but it means we will soon contribute to Garrosh’s fate. Of course, that is if you even care about WoW. There are other things going on if WoW isn’t your thing, its just the thing that currently has most of my attention (though I have been checking out The Secret World lately).

Speaking of The Secret World, there is news about it in this issue, plus new content for Aion, Age of Wushu, RIFT and more. Also, don’t forget that this weekend is the second Double XP Weekend in SWTOR! Also, everyone have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

The MMO Times: RIP Tony Soprano

The MMO Times: Issue 79Issue 79: What does Tony Soprano and the death of James Gandolfini have to do with MMOs? Absolutely nothing, but since this is my blog and I am a huge Sopranos fan, he gets honorable mention in this issue. If you have never seen The Sopranos, get on Netflix and watch it now! I’m a sucker for mafia and mobster movies and shows and The Sopranos was the epitome. James Gandolfini’s endearing smile and extraordinary talents will be sorely missed.

Mobsters and Waste Management Consultants aside, there are a few exciting things happening this week in various MMO titles. I couldn’t find a specific headline worth posting so I will just let you know that Game Update 2.2 for SWTOR went live this week! There is also new content coming to GW2, Marvel Heroes, MWO and of course World of Warcraft as more details of patch 5.4 come out. So while you are watching The Sopranos, check out these headlines, and don’t screw it up or you’ll lose two teeth!

The MMO Times: E3 2013

MMO Times Issue 78!Issue 78: Greetings Gamers!! Did anyone attend E3 this week? I know there has been a plethora of news coming out this week between E3 and Apple’s WWDC so maybe I found something that slipped past your eyes while following all the news streaming out of California. Most of the E3 news pertains to console systems and making a mockery of Microsoft’s new XBONE (this post is not compatible with the XBox One, please buy an XBox 360 to continue reading *narf!*).

More details and images about the Patch 5.4 are coming out (including a new Garrosh model). The Secret World is offering up something for players this weekend (6/14 – 6/17). World of Warplanes and Elder Scrolls Online news, and more! Also, don’t forget that RIFT has officially gone Free-2-Play. Enjoy!

The MMO Times: Heroes Assemble!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 77:Instead of finding a headline about Marvel Heroes, I thought I would remind everyone here, Marvel Heroes went live this week (in case you didn’t know)! I haven’t tried it out yet but I haven’t heard anything bad about it, usually if something is bad the first thing gamers do is whine about it online. In fact I’ve heard that if you enjoy League of Legends that you will really enjoy Marvel Heroes! If anyone out there has an opinion about the game so far, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.

You will notice that June 4th was quite a newsworthy day; it was not only the day that Marvel Heroes went live but there were quite a few announcements and some pre-E3 trailers unveiled. There is some RIFT, Aion and World of Warships news, an announcement from Blizzard and Bioware, and more! Check it out!

The MMO Times: Scrapped!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 76: No, I’m not scrapping The MMO Times, its just a headline that encapsulates the big story in this issue. Blizzard seems to be going through some rough times. First down another 1million+ WoW subscriptions, then Diablo III auction house issues and now Titan. You can read more about what has happened with Titan (if you haven’t heard yet) later in this issue.

Titan seems to be the only thing folks are talking about because details about the 5.4 patch are coming at a slow trickle. Fear not though gamers, there are plenty of other things happening with our other favorite titles, current and upcoming. Games like SWTOR, Infinite Crisis, and Marvel Heroes. Don’t forget, E3 is right around the corner and there could be all sorts goodies revealed (E3 starts June 11th and will be at the LA Convention Center – anyone going?) which may also explain the lack of significant gaming news.

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