A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: drama

Drama Month (2025) – Biopics

Groundhog Day - Phil and Phil

For Drama Month (2025) all the selections are biopics. I’m a sucker for a good biopic ranging from presidents, mafia figures, sports stars, and serial killers. A couple of those are among the selections this year. The special event movie for the month is Groundhog Day (“again”).

There are many great biopic movies out there and February is a short month. Picking among so many is difficult. Check out this year’s list.

MMT: Drama Month (2023)

February is drama month. Again, since I didn’t start these posts until April of last year, I will cover last February as well. Drama movies rank about the middle of the pack for me in my list of favorite genres. I’ll watch a good, compelling drama but if it can’t hold my interest, I’ll zone out. These movies do not suffer from that fate.

February 2022 Selections

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