Captain America Brave New World movie poster

Directed by: Julius Onah
Starring: Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford
Release Date: February 14, 2025
Runtime: 1 hr 58 min
My Rating:

After an assassination attempt on the president, Sam is thrust into the middle of an international incident with an unknown antagonist. The MCU is still struggling to recreate the success they had with the films in the Infinity Saga. Honestly, I don’t think this film brings them any closer.

I wanted to give this movie four stars, and I almost did solely based on Harrison Ford’s performance. However, we expect great acting from a person of his caliber. Honestly, everyone in the cast does a great job and the action is solid. There is slight confusion around the story and its link to the previous films in the franchise.

Is This Really A Captain America Sequel?

Spoilers Ahead!!!

The premise of the movie is confusing. This is the first Captain America feature film without Steve Rogers but it doesn’t follow any plot lines from the previous films. It draws more details from The Incredible Hulk (2008) including the return of Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader and a short cameo from Liv Tyler reprising Betty Ross. So, essentially, this is more of a sequel to The Incredible Hulk than Captain America.

Harrison Ford as Red Hulk

I knew there was a Red Hulk but I didn’t know any of his history. Is Red Hulk a hero or a villain? After a little research, some people say he’s a hero, most say he’s a villain. It’s going to come down to where the MCU decides to take the character. I’m hoping we see more.

I’ll be surprised if they keep Ford as Ross, he’s getting up there in age (82) but I guess as long as he feels up to it, he’ll keep acting. Harrison Ford is an amazing actor and one of my favorites. I’ll keep watching his stuff for as long as he keeps making it but I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to retire.

While the movie has some confusing continuity issues, I still enjoyed myself. I’ll still watch it again and I think I’ll probably enjoy it more the second time. Although I think I’ll go back and watch The Incredible Hulk again before I watch this again. The Eternals might also be worth watching again (even though it’s my least favorite Marvel film).

If you saw the film, what did you think of Captain America Brave New World?

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