In honor of Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine (for Deadpool 3), I decided to focus on Marvel for superhero month (2023). I am a much bigger fan of the Marvel universe than DC. This post is a couple of weeks late as I was on vacation. Here are the Wolverine-themed movies on this list for June 2023:

Wolverine and Deadpool

I had to begin with the first X-Men movie since that is where we are first introduced to Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. Since Wolverine’s past is so integrated into the other X-Men movies I continued with the original trilogy before finishing the Wolverine trilogy. (By the way, Logan is a great film; a little dark and depressing, but excellent!)

Bonus and Special Event Movies

Usually, I reserve “bonus movies” for movies I haven’t seen before, however, I went a different route this time. On the last two days of the month, I managed to also watch Deadpool 1 & 2. While Wolverine does not make an appearance in either movie, I tacked them on to the end in anticipation of the third film. Again, great films but not one for the kiddos.

The special event movie for the month of July should be fairly obvious. The 1996 film Independence Day. This movie has aged well and is a classic, in my opinion. While I don’t always get a chance to watch it on July 4th, I always make it a point to watch it within a couple of days of the Fourth of July.

Click here to see last month’s movie theme | Click here to see last year’s July watchlist

film real

“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.” 
– Stanley Kubrick