A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: writing

Stuck with Proverbial Writer’s Block, Again!

Proverbial Writer's BlockThe recent pace at which I have been publishing new blog posts is appallingly slower. Ideas and “other cortical experiences” are evading my consciousness. I am stuck with the proverbial writer’s block! I will admit that certain events, IRL, have been taking more of my attention. When you are trying to sustain a family, those events take immediate priority. I will not talk about politics so anything that is considered a “political hot topic” or “current event” will never be a subject I will write about. My views do not necessarily align with others. I prefer my readers find this site a sanctuary from political pontificating and mudslinging.

The obvious lack of frequent posts is not the product of laziness. I simply haven’t been able to find something that warrants a post. It’s very unfortunate when I experience these mental blocks because writing is a very helpful cognitive exercise. It really helps me to organize my thoughts and vent my frustrations (just look up any post in the “fulmination” category). Organizing my thoughts helps to draw more logical conclusions, therefore improving problem solving; a skill very valuable to my job.

A Strategy to Overcome Writer’s Block?

How does one overcome writer’s block?? I am trying to think back to when I have had to overcome writer’s block in the past. Perhaps now is the time to start researching ways to improve my blog posts. While I do enjoy writing about the books that I have read, I don’t think I am very good at it. Maybe I will start researching tips and suggestions for writing better book reviews. I really don’t feel like I am providing the authors or their books any justice. It’s time to start channeling those 20-year-old Honors English classes so that I can provide an honest and comprehensive review.

Another theory I have to combat the proverbial writer’s block is to review my existing posts. Perhaps there are some posts that require a follow-up or I can start writing more posts in a specific category. There is always the potential for creating new categories, essentially expanding the scope of topics (while continuing to refrain from politics). I may try to rekindle some old post categories, for example I haven’t written an MMO Times post in nearly a year. I thought I was providing an update for other gamer friends and it turns out it was helping me keep up with gaming news.

If there is anyone out there that is reading this perhaps take a moment and answer one or more of these questions (in the comments):

  • What do you do to overcome writer’s block?
  • In which category would you like me to write more posts?
  • Do you have any suggestions for a new category of posts?



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


For the Love of Writing

Minion-reading-iconI don’t know how to describe what it is about writing that I enjoy – I can’t seem to find the words (hah!). There is something elusive and cathartic about putting “pen to paper” (err.. “text to screen”?) I’ve sometimes wondered if there is a career out there that would allow me to just write, besides writing a book. I don’t have the imagination to write a book. I doubt I can be creative enough to keep a reader’s attention for 300+ pages (although I seemed to have a knack for creative writing back in Honors English in high school). If I had the literary and mental capacity to constantly be writing, I would. I just don’t have enough complete thoughts in my head to do that. Also, I know I make way to many grammar errors.

I think that is why I enjoy this blog so much. It allows me to filter out my thoughts into (hopefully) cohesive posts. I think I have read somewhere that sometimes simply writing essentially helps organize your brain. It’s a form of cortical defragmenting. They also say that if you are an aspiring writer that you should write for an hour at least once a day, it doesn’t matter what you write about, just as long as you write something. It will help to organize your thoughts and hone your skills. As I said before, I’m not really “book writing material” but the exercise has helped me on a daily basis to problem solve and write more robust code.

There was a time when I considered applying for a blog writer position with Massively (back before AOL pulled the rug out from under them and who is now Massively Overpowered). They were looking for a Star Wars columnist to blog about everything Star Wars and Star Wars MMO games. This was clearly something that seemed right up my alley considering how much of a Star Wars nerd I am and how much I enjoy playing MMOs. I almost wrote a sample to submit but talked myself out of it because I felt there are far more gifted writers out there that deserved less competition (not that I would have been any competition at all). I think Larry Everett does a fantastic job with the Hyperspace Beacon column so I’m glad he’s doing it and not me.

Maybe one day, if/when I get out of programming, I may find some way of monetizing my thoughts and words. Until then blogging will be my outlet and everything geek and gaming will be my muse. Thanks for reading.


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

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