A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Throwback Thursday Page 1 of 3

TBT: The Day I Met Dierks

Me and friends with Dierks Bentley (circa 2003)

It’s not very often that you get to meet a celebrity. I have had very few celebrity encounters but the time I got to meet Dierks Bentley was pretty cool. The picture you see above is from several years ago, circa 2003 (as is evident by my skinny stature). There is a country bar in Lafayette called Riehle Brothers. I frequented it a couple of times while I was attending Purdue. I don’t even remember what we paid to see Dierks Bentley and Brian McComas, who were performing in front of a meager bar crowd. It was a fantastic concert. I even danced (which is rare and I’m sure I was coaxed into doing it by one of my friends, also in the picture above).

Before He Was Famous

Dierks’ only hit at the time was “What Was I Thinking“, now he has an amazing career. Sadly Brian McComas wasn’t quite as fortunate, although many songs on his album were still pretty good. It was one of the best nights I spent with my friends in that picture, Beth and Alan. I became a quite a big Dierks Bentley fan after that concert, and I still enjoy all his music. I haven’t had the opportunity to see him in concert again since Riehle Brothers but that’s not saying I wouldn’t.

TBT is one of those crazy Facebook trends. It stands for “ThrowBack Thursday” and often times people post pictures. I know the old adage “A picture is worth 1,000 words” but most of the time the pictures I want to post have a great story behind them. In my traditional nerdy fashion, instead of just a picture I want to provide a blog post for my TBT moments to share those great stories. I will not share stories in which the context will embarrass or incriminate myself or my friends and family.

TBT: One Year Ago, The Force Awakened

The Force Awakened

It was actually December 18th, 2015 when The Force Awakened but it’s Throwback Thursday and the 18th is Sunday. As I sit on the cusp of the premiere of another Star Wars movie I love thinking about the success of The Force Awakens. I’m really happy how well it was received not only by Star Wars fans, but the majority of movie goers. Here are a few *numbers I found:

  •  It earned $935 million domestic, thus making it the biggest-grossing movie of all time in America
  •  It was the first movie to earn $750m on an initial release and the first to earn $800m, $850m, and $900m.
  •  By the end of the tenth day, it had earned $540 million domestic
  •  It ended up selling more tickets than all but maybe ten other movies in all of cinematic history.

The Force Awakens wasn’t everyone’s cup-of-tea but you can’t deny the amazing success the movie has had. I still remember the feeling I had as I was sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start. The same feelings I had for several hours after the movie was over. The Force awakened the child in all of us because we all felt 10 years old again that day. Any reservations and skepticism we felt because Disney now runs the franchise were also blown to pieces.

Rogue One has a Tough Act to Follow

Tonight the first of the Star Wars spin-off movies premiers to the public. Rogue One: A Star Wars story will have a tough act to follow. I’ll be honest, I’m not setting my expectations very high because I think this movie is going to have a different appeal. We already know it will not have the iconic opening crawl and the score is not composed by John Williams (but fear not, Michael Giacchino is no slacker). So far the preliminary reviews are fairly positive with an 83% on the “Tomatometer“. I really don’t expect this movie to be as extraordinary as TFA but I do hope it will be loved by all the real Star Wars fans.

The movie does have all the right ingredients to be successful. As long as the acting is solid, the music is great and everyone understands how the story fits in; I think it will do well in the theaters. I am excited to see Rogue One but probably not as eager as I was to see TFA. There was a certain amount of mystery in The Force Awakens that Rogue One will not have, obviously. Even though Rogue One will not be quite as inscrutable, I still think our inner child will still be waiting with bated breath. A feeling that Star Wars has always inspired and that which Disney has fully restored.

* Numbers come from this Forbes article

The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.

TBT: Lamentations of a Former Tank [gone DPS]

Lamentations of a Former TankSo I am going to take a different approach to this week’s Throwback Thursday post (which is late again). This comes on the cusp of experiencing a struggle I’ve only heard other folks repine. I used to tank; from 2005 through Mists of Pandaria I was the Paladin tank for our raid team. Then the server population began to dwindle; finding raiders to fill spots became a struggle; long story short we switched servers and joined new raid teams. I was no longer needed as a tank so I had to become a DPS. It’s the first time I am working on progression as a member of the DPS squad. This week’s TBT is my lamentations of a former tank – gone DPS.

DPS Like Me: The Struggle Is Real!

A couple of expansions ago I remember the raid leaders constantly emphasizing the point that damage dealers need to improve their damage. I always silently thought to myself that there must be something these folks are missing because it can’t be that difficult to figure out how to do that. I will pause for you to silently curse and berate me. After my paladin, playing a shadow priest was my second favorite class so that is the class I chose to play as [ranged] DPS.

We are roughly three months into the current raid content and 5/7 in Heroic Emerald Nightmare. My gear iLevel is 860 and, while a shadow priest is supposed to be at the top of the charts, I’m barely making the middle of the pack. I am experiencing everything they were fussing about; the struggle is real! I have read the forums, tweaked my gear and my rotation but I am still struggling to break that 200k mark. Granted there are a couple of stats that I could increase but there is only so much you can do until the right piece of gear comes along.

I guess its true what they say. Sometimes you have to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to understand their trials and tribulations.

IMO, Tanking is Easier

I will never take my DPS team members for granted again. As a tank, remembering to taunt was paramount. If you messed up your rotation, it was rarely a big deal (unless it caused you to dramatically lose threat). The rotation for a DPS has very little room for error. The adage for DPS to “Always Be Casting” (also known as the ABCs of DPS) has a lot of credence. It not only requires you to constantly cast something but deviating from your rotation can have cascading effects on your damage output. The training dummies are good for building the muscle memory for your rotation. However, they are not a reliable method of measuring your damage because you never have to move, which isn’t an authentic raid scenario.

So, to that end, while I really enjoy playing my shadow priest, I do enjoy tanking more. I’m less frustrated, less often, with my performance as a tank after a night of raiding. Some nights I dread looking at the logs; I don’t want to see how far down the damage charts I am when I know I need to be near the top. I’m not sure what else to do but keep improving my stats, keep practicing that rotation and reading priest forums (like icy-veins.com or howtopriest.com).

Tips and recommendations are welcome.

TBT is one of those crazy Facebook trends. It stands for “ThrowBack Thursday” and often times people post pictures. I know the old adage “A picture is worth 1,000 words” but most of the time the pictures I want to post have a great story behind them. In my traditional nerdy fashion, instead of just a picture I want to provide a blog post for my TBT moments to share those great stories. I will not share stories in which the context will embarrass or incriminate myself or my friends and family.

TBT: WoW 12 Years! And Great Times!

huolon_mountSo this issue of TBT (err, Fallback Friday? yes, I’m late) is going to appeal to a much different group of folks. If you follow any of Blizzard’s games then you know this week they are celebrating World of Warcraft’s 12th anniversary. People who don’t follow the gaming industry are probably shocked that a game is still thriving after 12 years. The funny thing is, that’s really not all that inconceivable. Final Fantasy will be releasing their 15th iteration of their franchise which began back in 1987. So WoW is a youngster by comparison but, if you will allow me a small pun, WoW 12 years!

It’s not a secret to my gaming friends that I have been playing this game for a long time, however, I have not been playing the entire 12 years. Actually I didn’t start playing until about the fall of 2005 when a friend convinced me to give it a shot. The first character I ever created was a male Night Elf Hunter named Discretus. Around February of 2006 I took a break from WoW until about June of the same year. I discovered that several of my co-workers also played so I created a Human Paladin on Alleria named Anthonius. I still play that paladin to this day. I didn’t forget about Discretus, however, that toon isn’t a male Night Elf anymore. After a few server transfers and a “Bruce Jenner” transformation, that character has become a female Draenai.

Gaming Friends are Real Friends Too

Neither of my two original toons go by those specific names anymore, however my gaming friends still address me by the moniker “Anth”. So who are these gaming friends, you might ask. Yes, most of them I have never met in person, but physical location isn’t required to create and maintain friendships. In fact I believe I have covered that very concept before. We all live in different parts of the continent, with different jobs and believe different things. Be that as it may, World of Warcraft is now just one thing we all have in common.

We were all part of a guild for seven years. When the realm population became meager, most of us transferred to a new server, with a higher population. A couple of us still raid together on the same team in a new guild, but all of us still keep in touch. Social media, chat clients and Discord allow us to still chat with each other. So over the twelve years Blizzard has provided us all with something more than mere recreation. It has forged unforgettable friends.


TBT is one of those crazy Facebook trends. It stands for “ThrowBack Thursday” and often times people post pictures. I know the old adage “A picture is worth 1,000 words” but most of the time the pictures I want to post have a great story behind them. In my traditional nerdy fashion, instead of just a picture I want to provide a blog post for my TBT moments to share those great stories. I will not share stories in which the context will embarrass or incriminate myself or my friends and family.

TBT: The Most Extraordinary Day

No, I am not going to throwback to yesterday and talk about the Cubs World Series victory. My Throwback Thursday posts are always going to be something much more personal. Don’t get me wrong, since that last out, it’s still too surreal and while it will be memorable, its nothing compared to April 14th, 2014, the most extraordinary day.

the most extraordinary day

Our Evie

A flood of emotions hit me last night, mostly memories of family and what we have endured over the years watching that baseball team. While it is only a baseball game, it sparked a powerful emotion. It made me think about the day Evie was born. I can’t explain why I was taken back to that day. Perhaps the start of a new world for the Cubs reminds me of the time a new world began for me.

Time Seemed to Stop

When I walked into that OR and saw the nurse cleaning Evie, I think the world stopped spinning. It was as if I walked into a singularity. As I was approaching that tiny person that I helped create, it was a far more surreal experience than a thousand World Series victories. There is nothing in this world more miraculous than creating another human being. I remember experiencing a cocktail of emotions that day. Pure joy, awe, fear, phantasmagoria (i.e. it felt like something out of a dream). I can often find the words to describe an experience, however, to this day, I am still rendered speechless.

Thus ends, what is probably, my most heartfelt and passionate blog post to date. I don’t really like to open myself up this much, especially on my blog. It leaves me feeling rather vulnerable, but as happy as I felt last night, it wasn’t the happiest I have ever been. Perhaps that’s why I was taken back to April 14th; the day our family grew by one. The day our world began anew.


TBT is one of those crazy Facebook trends. It stands for “ThrowBack Thursday” and often times people post pictures. I know the old adage “A picture is worth 1,000 words” but most of the time the pictures I want to post have a great story behind them. In my traditional nerdy fashion, instead of just a picture I want to provide a blog post for my TBT moments to share those great stories. I will not share stories in which the context will embarrass or incriminate myself or my friends and family.

TBT: A Boilermaker Homecoming Anniversary

Boilermaker HomecomingIt has been a really long time since I have written a “Throwback Thursday” post. I’m upset that I didn’t think about writing this post sooner as Homecoming was nearly two weeks ago. Therefore, this TBT post serves a dual purpose; not only was it a Boilermaker Homecoming, it was also our anniversary celebration. We were going back to see our friends, to visit our Alma Mater and to celebrate where we were married.

It All Began With An English Muffin

One of my favorite parts about going back for a Purdue football game is seeing our friends. To paraphrase what a friend once said to me, “the sign of a good friendship is being able to pick up right where you left off even if you haven’t seen each other in years“. It has been over 10 years since all of us have graduated. Every time we all get back together, it feels like we do pick right up where we left off. It’s tailgating at the home games that brings us all back together each year.

Alan and I started tailgating the fall after we all graduated. The first year we parked right in the middle of a 10 year tradition of tailgaters. We would reserve our spot on the hill by 6 am (sometimes as early as 1 am). We would walk a full size grill six blocks, at 7 in the morning to begin cooking breakfast. It was breakfast that endeared us to all those folks up and down the hill that unexpectedly had us barging in on their tradition. We cooked up several sausage and egg breakfast sandwiches on English muffins and distributed them to our neighbors.

A couple of years later Alan and I had to step away from tailgating. It was all going to end before it even began. Then along came Tammy and Mike, who picked up the mantle and have been carrying it ever since. They are doing an amazing job and I’m really glad that they have been able to continue the tradition and give us all something to come home to.

And Then “She” Joins Our Tailgate

Married at St. Tom's

Married at St. Tom’s

Clearly what all of our tailgates lacked were delicious desserts. As a single guy I couldn’t bake, besides my place was behind the grill. Beth was always a member of our “clan”, she hosted just as many parties as she attended inside the group. She is an amazing baker and thus provided bakery quality desserts. When ESPN GameDay came to West Lafayette, Purdue (undefeated) was playing Wisconsin (also undefeated). At this tailgate we exchanged contact information, and around Halloween when we went on our first date in West Lafayette.

In 2006, when Purdue was visiting Notre Dame, we got engaged. We got married, a year later, at the church we attended as students at Purdue, and held our reception on campus at the Student Union.  We are around the 4th or 5th couple to marry within the group. Purdue holds a lot of fantastic memories. So this year we wanted to spend the weekend at the school that brought us all together. We wanted to show our daughter where we met some great friends.

Parties and tailgates, football games and breakfast club. Putt-putt, late nights at Steak-n-Shake, and midnight bowling in the Union. Squirrels in the dorm, Rez, Mario Kart and the All American Marching Band. To quote some song lyrics, they are “Nights I can’t remember, Friends I’ll Never Forget

/Boiler Up!

TBT is one of those crazy Facebook trends. It stands for “ThrowBack Thursday” and often times people post pictures. I know the old adage “A picture is worth 1,000 words” but most of the time the pictures I want to post have a great story behind them. In my traditional nerdy fashion, instead of just a picture I want to provide a blog post for my TBT moments to share those great stories. I will not share stories in which the context will embarrass or incriminate myself or my friends and family.

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