Issue 130: Greetings Gamers! BB-8, the new endearing droid from The Force Awakens trailer, captured the Internet’s heart this week as an app-controlled toy was unveiled. It’s a bit pricey ($150) but its so damn cool that it might be worth it. Hopefully there will still be some available around Christmas (*hint-hint*). Be that as it may, let’s get back to talking about games/gaming. We just had a 3-day weekend which means an extra day to game. What did you play for your extra day of indulgence?
The Labor Day weekend made for a pretty meager list of noteworthy headlines. Some upsetting news for those interested in the Pathfinder Online title; WildStar’s Free-2-Play version has some new updates. I even threw something in here about The Witcher 3. I found some news about a couple of titles we haven’t heard from in a while, and there’s more of course. So while your BB-8 is charging, check these out. KCGO.