Aftermath by Chuck Wendig
My rating: [rating=5]
I have been trying to get back into Star Wars books for a while now; I just kept finding other great books to read (*cough* Kubrick’s Game *cough*). Star Wars Aftermath is the first post-Return of the Jedi book that takes place within the new canon, therefore it’s pretty high on my list. I know some Star Wars fans are probably surprised that I would prioritize this book so high. Disney stepped on quite a few toes when they declared all other canon defunct (post-ROTJ). This is something I discuss in a separate post. Be that as it may, I’m one of those open-minded fans and I was willing to give this book a chance.
I try to avoid mentioning any spoilers; I prefer that people use my book reviews as an aid on deciding if it’s a book they would like to read. The point I am about to make isn’t really a spoiler but it is noteworthy. If you are expecting a book about where the Jedi go after the Emperor is destroyed, that isn’t what this book is about. In fact the Force has very little to do with any of the characters. The author takes us on a journey through the eyes of several different characters during the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.