A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: progression raiding

WoW: State of the Raid (9.1.5)

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “State of the Raid” post. Blizzard is kind of a sore, perhaps even taboo, topic right now. Every time there is more sickening news makes me sad.

I play this game to hang out with the friends. The kind of friends where hanging out in person isn’t convenient because of distance and borders. Raiding has become difficult over the past few months. Some friends have left the game and recruiting new people is difficult.


Despite these circumstances, we are enduring. Personally I think our goals are shifting to accommodate the reality and current environment of the community. Ahead of the Curve has always been our main objective before the conclusion of a tier. This rut in active players and the obvious adjustment in the difficulty of heroic encounters may be changing that objective.

As much as I hate to let go of achieving Ahead of the Curve, I think it’s best for my sanity. I really don’t want to burn out because this is my social activity. Several of my friends have already reached this point so I don’t want to be the next victim.

We are currently 6/10 in Heroic and our latest attempt on Guardian has me feeling confident we will be 7/10 soon. Depending on the complexity of the next 3 bosses, and the release date of 9.2, we may still have a chance at AOTC.

I’ve Been Slacking

There is so much to do after you hit max level that I’ve had a difficult time leveling my alts. I’m still sitting at just under half of my alts at max (46.6%). I’ll admit the events going on at Activision Blizzard is awful and gives me a lot of mixed feelings which affects my motivation. I won’t quit though, for reasons I’ve expressed before. This time of year is also very busy for me. I’ve got lots of planning, decorating, and Christmas to enjoy.

While Blizzard has not given us a release date for 9.2, my hope is try to get to as close to 100% on all my alts before it hits live servers. That’s probably a stretch goal by now.

Ultimately I hope Blizzard gets their act together and finds a way to bring players back. I really miss all my friends that have left the game.

duke-nukem-sm If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We've been waiting for this all our lives!


RTotD: Finally Killed the Filthy Punk

This isn’t really a true “Random Thought of the Day” since I am posting this to celebrate victory. After several grueling weeks of banging our heads against the wall, we finally killed Heroic Argus. It is the final “Ahead of the Curve” (AOTC) achievement available for this expansion. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the “Ahead of the Curve” achievement; it involves killing the final boss of the current tier on Heroic difficulty before the release of the next tier (or expansion, in this case). It is no easy feat (unless you are a Mythic raider).

We Got Them All

This AOTC achievement is especially important to the Humpday Heroes raid team. This is not our first; in fact we have all of the AOTC achievements from this expansion. This is also very exciting for myself as I have never done any kind of Heroic raid content in the past (unless you count 25-man and/or hard-mode). These were my first “Ahead of the Curve” achievements. I am beyond thrilled to be apart of this team.

Click to enlarge

Also, the Violet Spellwing mount looks amazing! I can’t wait to get it for the rest of the team members that couldn’t be there last night. We have a lockout saved so we will get you in there to get yours!

And now … ON TO BfA!!!


duke-nukem-sm If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We’ve been waiting for this all our lives!


TBT: Lamentations of a Former Tank [gone DPS]

Lamentations of a Former TankSo I am going to take a different approach to this week’s Throwback Thursday post (which is late again). This comes on the cusp of experiencing a struggle I’ve only heard other folks repine. I used to tank; from 2005 through Mists of Pandaria I was the Paladin tank for our raid team. Then the server population began to dwindle; finding raiders to fill spots became a struggle; long story short we switched servers and joined new raid teams. I was no longer needed as a tank so I had to become a DPS. It’s the first time I am working on progression as a member of the DPS squad. This week’s TBT is my lamentations of a former tank – gone DPS.

DPS Like Me: The Struggle Is Real!

A couple of expansions ago I remember the raid leaders constantly emphasizing the point that damage dealers need to improve their damage. I always silently thought to myself that there must be something these folks are missing because it can’t be that difficult to figure out how to do that. I will pause for you to silently curse and berate me. After my paladin, playing a shadow priest was my second favorite class so that is the class I chose to play as [ranged] DPS.

We are roughly three months into the current raid content and 5/7 in Heroic Emerald Nightmare. My gear iLevel is 860 and, while a shadow priest is supposed to be at the top of the charts, I’m barely making the middle of the pack. I am experiencing everything they were fussing about; the struggle is real! I have read the forums, tweaked my gear and my rotation but I am still struggling to break that 200k mark. Granted there are a couple of stats that I could increase but there is only so much you can do until the right piece of gear comes along.

I guess its true what they say. Sometimes you have to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to understand their trials and tribulations.

IMO, Tanking is Easier

I will never take my DPS team members for granted again. As a tank, remembering to taunt was paramount. If you messed up your rotation, it was rarely a big deal (unless it caused you to dramatically lose threat). The rotation for a DPS has very little room for error. The adage for DPS to “Always Be Casting” (also known as the ABCs of DPS) has a lot of credence. It not only requires you to constantly cast something but deviating from your rotation can have cascading effects on your damage output. The training dummies are good for building the muscle memory for your rotation. However, they are not a reliable method of measuring your damage because you never have to move, which isn’t an authentic raid scenario.

So, to that end, while I really enjoy playing my shadow priest, I do enjoy tanking more. I’m less frustrated, less often, with my performance as a tank after a night of raiding. Some nights I dread looking at the logs; I don’t want to see how far down the damage charts I am when I know I need to be near the top. I’m not sure what else to do but keep improving my stats, keep practicing that rotation and reading priest forums (like icy-veins.com or howtopriest.com).

Tips and recommendations are welcome.

TBT is one of those crazy Facebook trends. It stands for “ThrowBack Thursday” and often times people post pictures. I know the old adage “A picture is worth 1,000 words” but most of the time the pictures I want to post have a great story behind them. In my traditional nerdy fashion, instead of just a picture I want to provide a blog post for my TBT moments to share those great stories. I will not share stories in which the context will embarrass or incriminate myself or my friends and family.

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