A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Monthly Movie Theme Page 3 of 5

MMT: Martial Arts Month (2023)

Everyone has that one genre of film that is their secret obsession. For some it’s ROM coms, other it’s musicals and for some it’s thrillers. My secret film obsession is Martial Arts films. There was a time when I was in martial arts and perhaps my interest stems from that experience. A friend of mine, who helped me train in taekwondo, is primarily responsible for introducing me to the genre. Here are my Martial Arts Month selections, 2023 edition:

MMT: Mystery Month (2023)

I cannot believe August is over and we are entering the fall months. Where does that time go? Speaking of mysteries, August is Mystery Month. Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Here are the 2023 Mystery Month selections.

The Usual Suspects

MMT: Action/Adventure Month (2023)

This year’s action/adventure selections have an unintended theme. I wonder if you know what it is. Watching these movies was long overdue for me, especially the latter. Here are July’s selections for 2023:

MMT: Superhero Month (2023)

In honor of Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine (for Deadpool 3), I decided to focus on Marvel for superhero month (2023). I am a much bigger fan of the Marvel universe than DC. This post is a couple of weeks late as I was on vacation. Here are the Wolverine-themed movies on this list for June 2023:

MMT: Fantasy Month (2023)

April is fantasy movies month. Fantasy is easily a top-five favorite genre of mine and it’s often coupled with Science Fiction. There is no common element for this year’s selections (as you’ll soon see); it was literally just some random selections within the Fantasy genre. Here is 2023’s Fantasy selections:

Willow and The Princess Bride are classics. I’ve been trying to get my hands on Willow for a while and finally snagged it on Blu-ray. This movie made the list because I hadn’t seen it in a long time and wanted to check out the Disney+ series. I don’t think I have to explain my reasons for watching The Princess Bride; to do so is “inconceivable!”.

MMT: Drama Month (2023)

February is drama month. Again, since I didn’t start these posts until April of last year, I will cover last February as well. Drama movies rank about the middle of the pack for me in my list of favorite genres. I’ll watch a good, compelling drama but if it can’t hold my interest, I’ll zone out. These movies do not suffer from that fate.

February 2022 Selections

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