A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Ewoks

Star Wars: Jar Jar Binks Is An Essential Character

Jar Jar Binks

Yes, let’s talk about the most controversial character in Star Wars (since the Ewoks – yes, back in the day the Ewoks were also hated). In fact, not only am I going to talk about him, I’m going to defend the fact that Jar Jar Binks is an essential character to the prequels. I liked Jar Jar and I think all the adults that hate him have lost something within themselves.

I was also inspired by this polygon article, which is an excellent read and I agree with the author 100%. He does an excellent job defending Jar Jar so there isn’t much else I can say he hasn’t already mentioned. I do understand why many people dislike Jar Jar, which the author also mentions. I get it, but Jar Jar deserves some additional support, so I will justify Jar Jar’s existence from a different perspective.

Jump In My Time Machine

Let me take you back to the first time you saw Star Wars, whether that was in 1977, 1980, and 1983 or perhaps in the 90s (which is when I saw them for the first time). Try and channel your 7-year-old self and remember what it was like seeing Star Wars for the first time. Go beyond the space battles and the lightsabers and think about the characters that you found endearing. The awkward antics of C-3PO and the cunning of the Ewoks as they use archaic conventions to thwart the Empire. Admit it! These characters are some of the reasons you are now a fan.

Find that inner child and watch the prequels again. I remember watching The Phantom Menace in the theater (which I did seven times) and hearing the laughter of children after one of Jar Jar’s goofy antics. In fact, did you know that Disney’s Goofy was George Lucas’ inspiration for Jar Jar? I can kind of see that now. Also, Lucas’ adopted son, Jett Lucas, named Jar Jar and inspired the Gungan species. What a neat way to include your children in your legacy and life’s work!

So if Jar Jar is based on Goofy, and you hate Jar Jar, then by the inference rule, you hate Goofy! Seriously, how can you hate Goofy?? “Gawrsh!”

Jar Jar Is For the Kids

All joking aside, I honestly do understand why some folks hate Jar Jar. Perhaps, if it weren’t for his voice and some of his dialog, he may have been more endearing to adults. I ask you this: don’t we want our children to like Star Wars as much as we did when we were young and give them the same cinematic experience?? Jar Jar is to our children as Wicket was to us. The prequels needed that delightful character that would become one of the reasons our children are now fans.

So I think instead of laughing at depictions of cutting off Jar Jar’s head, maybe it’s time we cut Jar Jar some slack.


Why So Much Ewok Hate?

tumblr_static_7I’ve been a fan of the Star Wars franchise since I was 10 years old. I’ll always love the original trilogy first but I honestly don’t mind the prequels. I get the fact that there are some folks (so-called “fans”) that don’t like the prequel movies, but hey that’s their deal. The Empire Strikes Back is by far my favorite of the six but I had no idea that people hated Ewoks so much.

Again, I don’t mind the Ewoks. I thought it was great when 3PO stood up and they all freaked out and started bowing to him as if he were some kind of god; that was awesome. I suppose I get that people have a hard time swallowing the fact that all the power and might of the Empire was thwarted by fuzzy creatures using sticks and stones, but I think that’s the point. I think its the dichotomy of the two sides that makes the fight interesting and entertaining. The Empire’s overconfidence in their advanced technology was the character flaw and thus why the Ewoks were successful in their assault.

An arrogant enemy isn’t always a victorious enemy.

I liked the Ewoks. I’ll take a thousand Ewoks over one Jar-Jar any day! So why is there so much Ewok hate?? (oh, and the other thing that makes Return of the Jedi great … Speeder Bikes … I want one!)

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