Title: Very Interesting, as an Astrogation Problem
Directed by: David Lowery
Runtime: 37 minutes
I want to start by saying that I really enjoy the music composed by Mick Giacchino, Michael Giacchino’s son. Michael Giacchino is known, of course, as the composer for Rogue One. I’m glad they didn’t go with a filler episode but instead introduced us to Jude Law’s character, Jod Na Nawood. By the end of the episode we are wondering who is this guy??
Spoilers Ahead!!!
This episode does confirm a couple things. Jod Na Nawood is/was Captain Silvo from the beginning of the first episode. We all probably figured that out but this removes the fog of doubt. The second being that At Attin was hidden on purpose. In fact, its one of nine planets that were hidden but At Attin is the only one that wasn’t destroyed. Granted we still don’t know why it was hidden and why, or how, the other planets were destroyed.
We do know that the kids are unaware of “the war” that lead to Alderaan’s destruction. The question is do the adults on At Attin know? How siloed is this planet?
Easter Eggs
This series is full of easter eggs, especially deep cut easter eggs. I’m going to avoid the obvious things like the B1 battle droid and the TT-8L/Y7 Gatekeeper droid (which we saw at Jabba’s Palace in ROTJ).
Let’s start with Jod, since this episode is, essentially, about him. He clearly has some Jedi training and he’s old enough to have been a teen or padawan around the time of Order 6. However, one of his other alter egos is “Crimson Jack”. Crimson Jack is a frequent rival of Han Solo’s, he did lead space pirates and he’s a master thief. In fact, in a 1977 Legends comic book, he stole Han’s reward money after the destruction of the first Death Star. Crimson Jack become canon in the Halcyon Legacy comic book in 2022.
Alfred Molina (Dr Octopus from Spider-Man 2) is the voice of Benjar Pranic, one of Jod’s old crewmen. Also, in that scene, Jod turns on an RA-7 protocol droid that immediately exclaims “The prince is in danger!”. What prince is he talking about? The only prince that comes to my mind is Prince Xizor from the Shadows of the Empire novel written in 1996. Nobody else on the Internet seems to be talking about this so maybe I’m just reading too much into it.
The final easter egg I want to point out is that many believe the ship circled in the image below is Hondo Ohnaka’s ship, The Katooni. This could be a reach but it certainly looks like it to me. It makes sense that the most famous pirate in the galaxy would be at Port Borgo, a common pirate hang out.

This was another fun episode and I hope they keep this pace. What things did you spot in this episode?