April is fantasy movies month. Fantasy is easily a top-five favorite genre of mine and it’s often coupled with Science Fiction. There is no common element for this year’s selections (as you’ll soon see); it was literally just some random selections within the Fantasy genre. Here is 2023’s Fantasy selections:
- Willow (1998)
- Warcraft (2016)
- The Fifth Element (1997)
- The Illusionist (2006)
- The Princess Bride (1987)
Willow and The Princess Bride are classics. I’ve been trying to get my hands on Willow for a while and finally snagged it on Blu-ray. This movie made the list because I hadn’t seen it in a long time and wanted to check out the Disney+ series. I don’t think I have to explain my reasons for watching The Princess Bride; to do so is “inconceivable!”.
As a long-time World of Warcraft player watching the Warcraft movie again was long overdue. I know it received quite a bit of criticism (which is probably why they never made a sequel) but I don’t mind it. The biggest discrepancy I have between it and the game lore is how they changed Garona‘s story. Personally, I feel like that is something they should have left alone.
The Fifth Element is just a fun movie that I often find myself quoting randomly (“multipass!”). The Illusionist is a movie I hadn’t seen before, I acquired it for my Plex server purely by chance. I really enjoyed it. Apparently, it’s loosely based on a short story called Eisenheim The Illusionist.
Bonus and Special Event Movies
I tried to make time for a bonus movie but the end of the month was simply too busy. However, there are two “special events” in the month of April. Every year, on April 5th I watch Star Trek: First Contact. It’s probably my favorite Star Trek movie with the TNG crew. If you don’t know, from last year, April 5th is First Contact Day, hence the movie selection.

The other special event movie is primarily for Catholics. During Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter) I try to watch Passion of the Christ. Usually, I do this on Holy Thursday. There are parts that are very difficult to watch but it reminds me of the sacrifice that Easter represents. Next year Easter is in March so this special event movie will be moved back a month.

“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick