Title: Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin
Directed by: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
Runtime: 36 minutes
On their quest to return home, the crew finds themselves on a familiar planet, but something seems off. Were Kh’ymm’s coordinates wrong? This is our first “filler” episode; which was inevitable. I still enjoyed it although it did feel a little rushed. There is some minor character development, specifically Fern and Neel and a little bit more about the “Jewels of the Old Republic”. However, the end is the real treasure of this episode – see what I did there.
Thar Be Easter Eggs Here
There are fewer easter eggs in this episode and only a couple of them are Star Wars related. The climate control devices above the planet appears to be a callback to Operation: Cinder from the Star Wars comics. When SM-33 goes nuts his limbs extend which is similar to the E-XD series infiltrator droids as seen in an episode of Rebels.
I know this whole series is using just about every pirate trope in the book but this episode takes a much more literary approach to pirates. The Troik vs the Hattan feels a lot like the Lost Boys vs the Pirates in Peter Pan despite the fact that the leader of the Troik is an adult. However, the end of the episode has the best reference; in fact it’s probably my favorite part of the episode.

If you are a fan of Robert Louis Stevenson then you probably recognize some of the themes at the end of the episode. Protecting the location of the treasure by altering the memory of a robot/droid is a reference to B.E.N. in Treasure Planet. The fact that the rest of the crew was slautered by the captain also to protect the location of the treasure is a direct reference to Treasure Island. It wouldn’t surprise me if the name of SM-33’s former captain is some play off of Captain Flint.
What did you notice about Skeleton Crew – Episode 4?