Title: Day
Directed by: Alex Garcia Lopez
I know I’m late, again, posting my thoughts on the latest episode but sometimes life gets a little busy. Obviously, this episode is not Mae’s perspective of the events on Brendok. We see a change in Mae’s character so I still think that episode is coming. I expect that we will have an episode, or episodes, titled “Night” and/or “Choice” which will focus on Mae.
A couple of cameos, or Easter Eggs, have caused quite the brouhaha that I will help clarify. Despite that, this was a solid episode, probably the best so far. It does end with quite the cliffhanger.
Cameos and Controversy
Let’s talk about the cameos because that was the source of much controversy this week. Unwarranted as it was. The Kel Dor we saw was NOT Plo Koon, it was a female by the name of Ithia Paan. However, that isn’t what had some “fans” upset.

It was the cameo of a younger Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi we first saw in the prequel films. Personally, I was excited to see Ki-Adi-Mundi make an appearance, however other, more uncouth fans, were not. There is a website that contains all Star Wars facts, both canon and legends, called Wookieepedia. Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age had only been established in legends but never in canon. After this episode aired the authors at Wookieepedia updated the canon page to accurately reflect his age, in canon. A huge uproar ensued causing some fans to call for the removal of Wookieepedia and even sending them death threats.
You may be as confused as I am. Wookieepedia is a wiki page. Wiki’s are updated all the time when new information is provided. I do not understand why this garnered such vitriol from The Fandom Menace. It was a really upsetting and shameful day in the Star Wars fandom.
The Bazil Battalion and “Darth Teeth”
Let’s move on to something more uplifting. Our Tynnan friend, Bazil. We all know he would be the latest obsession. Heck, even I’m a little enamored by the little guy. Tynnan were first introduced back in 1979 in the Han Solo’s Revenge novel written by Brian Daley. Any time a Disney director/producer pulls something from Legends and makes it canon, I’m here for it!
The last thing I want to touch on is, what folks are calling, “Darth Teeth”. We finally get our first closeup of Mae’s master. I will not call him “Sith” because that word has not been used yet. This should be perfectly clear, not all dark-side users are Sith. Since he has not been labeled a “Sith”, Ki-Adi-Mundi’s line from The Phantom Menace remains accurate.

So who is “Darth Teeth”? It might still be Qimir. I get the impression that Qimir knows more than he lets in. In fact, I think he knew their master was going to be on Khofar. Does that mean Qimir is “Darth Teeth”? Another interesting fan theory is that it’s Mother Koril.
Personally, I hope it isn’t Qimir because then it was too obvious, which is also why I believe it isn’t Qimir. I like the Mother Koril angle but I think my final answer is, it’s someone we haven’t seen before.
The second half of the season begins tonight and I’m excited for it!