A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Star Wars The Old Republic Page 10 of 12

The MMO Times: Mechs, Pandas and More!

Issue 42

Greetings Gamers. I want to start this issue off by offering my thoughts and prayers to the families of the Aurora movie massacre. It’s awful that such a thing could happen but don’t let that discourage you from seeing the movie. Its a great film and a great finale to The Dark Knight Trilogy (you can read my review here). I’ve only managed to see it once but I would see it multiple times (if it weren’t so expensive to see a movie in the theater).

So if you have the Guild Wars 2 beta test out of your system (unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to participate in the beta) and you are on a break between your viewings of TDKR, check out the following headlines. It has been a pretty interesting week this week. Of course some big announcements from Blizzard (which I’m sure most of you have already heard) as well as some more MechWarrior Online videos. Read on and enjoy!

The MMO Times: Before The Dark Knight Rises

Issue 41

Greetings again, Gamers! Now that all the hype of Comic-Con is out of our systems we are all watching diligently for news of the next big titles. Granted Gamescom is coming up and there might be a few surprises for MMO gamers. I know everyone is also anxiously awaiting the final Batman movie (to begin at midnight tonight) so here are some articles to keep you occupied while you wait in the lines.

In this issue there is more news for those awaiting MechWarrior Online, more news about SWTOR despite all the vile hatred spewing from some gamers and MMO “pundits”, and the reviews are in for The Secret World. Read on gamers and don’t spoil the ending of Batman for those that haven’t seen it yet.

SWTOR: It’s Gonna Be Around A While

There is so much doomsday talk around Star Wars The Old Republic that I think something positive needs to be posted out there (thank God for Hyperspace Beacon). It’s as if everyone wants SWTOR to fail, but it’s not going to fail! Just because subscription rates dropped 20% after the first couple of months (which is the industry standard for every MMO), or some executive leaves the company doesn’t mean the game is failing (unless your CEO is Curt Schilling). I am still playing SWTOR and let me tell you that it has a great player base and, since 1.3, I have had several of my friends come back to play it.

Bioware still holds weekly Developer Q&A sessions where they consider player ideas and questions and discuss what players can expect in the next patch or what tweaks the developers are working on. Clearly that is a sign its failing.

Bioware still performs weekly maintenance on all the servers for 4-6 hours (which is the same timetable for Blizzard maintenance) to improve server performance and stability. Clearly that is also a sign its failing.

Bioware is still introducing new content for players at major events (such as the recent HK-51 unveiling at Comic-Con – which, by the way, I am really excited about). OMG! Clearly they are going under!

All of these false prophets need to find something else to pick on and stop all this pathetic whining. SWTOR is a great game and its doing quite well. We should let the business people, that actually understand how business works, handle the natural functions of running a large corporation. I will bet real money that we will still be talking about content updates for SWTOR a year from now and all the lousy doomsayers will have moved on to the next “so-called” flop (which appears to be Elder Scrolls Online, so be ready Bathesda’s PR department).

By the way, if you haven’t tried the new features in 1.3, come back and check them out. Granted you have missed the free 7-day window but renewing for one month won’t kill you (unless you are republic scum and you’re on Corellian Run, mwahahahaha … j/k).


The MMO Times: The 40th Issue!

Issue 40

It’s Comic-Con week this week and man I wish I was there. William Shatner, Felicia Day, the entire Firefly cast (including Joss Wheadon) are just a couple of the big reasons I wish I were there! It’s also been a slow week in gaming this week not only because of Comic-Con but also because SWTOR patch 1.3 and The Secret World are now in full swing. So I know we are all busy doing what we all do best, but perhaps you will find some of the following articles and posts interesting.

In this 40th issue of the MMO Times there is more information regarding the Game of Thrones MMO, a new Ultima MMO from EA, some more reviews for The Secret World and the announcement of some new incentive programs from Bioware. Read on and enjoy!

The MMO Times: Freedom Edition

Issue 39

Greetings Gamers! I hope everyone had a happy, and safe, Fourth of July. I don’t know what its like in your neck of the woods but around here it has been sweltering. A perfect reason to stay in doors and play some MMOs.

It has been an exciting week as Funcom’s latest project, The Secret World, went live on the 3rd. More news about Bigpoint’s new Game of Thrones project, as well as some reviews about the newest SWTOR content patch. There is some good stuff to check out this week so enjoy!

The MMO Times: Inferno Edition!

Issue 33

As the finish line for the race for the Inferno World’s First draws closer and the Diablo III hype begins to wane, we are now looking at what new content to look forward to in upcoming patches and expansions. This issue we have more details about the upcoming 1.3 patch for SWTOR, more MIsts of Pandaria goodies and some Warhammer news.

It is also important to note that in a couple of weeks is E3 (June 5-7) and there is usually something of interest that will be revealed for the MMO genre. Perhaps Gazillion’s recent press release (which you can read about in this issue of MMO Times) will be a prelude of what might be at E3 this year.

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