Steve BallmerI heard today that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has announced that he will retire sometime within the next 12 months.

Finally some good news for Microsoft!

Ballmer, in my opinion, has been less than stellar (and that’s me being kind). He hasn’t had a clue since the first time he came running and screaming out on the stage. He definitely knew how to wake a crowd up … and then put them all back to sleep. I think once he retires the only direction Microsoft can go is up. He doesn’t have too many accolades to be proud of since becoming CEO.

Windows Phone – FAIL.

Windows Surface – FAIL

Windows 8 – FAIL

XBox One – Almost a FAIL, but there’s still time.

Windows 7, and all the Visual Studio developer tools, are really the only noteworthy products that has come out of Microsoft’s doors in years (aside from the XBox 360, but I’m speaking specifically computers but the 360 is also a really great product!).

I really am pulling for Microsoft that the next guy to step up to the helm not only has a clue on how to market a product but really knows what the users actually want. Microsoft should no longer be trying to dictate to the user, they should be responding more on what they user wants and try to anticipate based on industry trends. I know, I make it sound so easy, so why shouldn’t I just do it. Yea, no thanks! Crazy, not stupid (though Ballmer was a bit of both – maybe a bit heavy on the “crazy”).
