Title: The Real Good Guys
Directed by: Jon Watts
Runtime: 38 minutes
This is the final episode. I think I read somewhere that this will be a limited series, so I’m not expecting a season two. While they wrap up the story, a few things are left open to be picked up later—perhaps by a certain upcoming movie.
For the finale, we see many things from the previous episodes come back into play. Neel uses the heavy cannon to attack the pirate ship, Wim gets another shot at a lightsaber, and Kh’ymm sends in the cavalry. This episode wraps everything up nicely but leaves a few things open to incorporate into future projects.
Easter Eggs and Final Thoughts
I delayed this post because I wanted to include my final thoughts instead of writing them as a separate post. By now, you’ve probably seen most of the Easter eggs on other posts, although there weren’t many.

We did not get a cameo, much to my chagrin. I was hoping for Hondo Onaka. The closest “cameo” we got was the Corellian Corvette seen at the end which looked very similar to the Tantive IV (Leia’s ship from A New Hope, also seen in The Rise of Skywalker).
We learn that Jod did have a Jedi Master training him after Order 66 but Vader’s Inquisitors killed her. We do not know the identity of this Jedi Master other than the fact that they were female.
My favorite part of this episode is the B-Wings, which have always been one of my favorite starships in the franchise. It was awesome to see the B-Wings use their targeting lasers in live-action (their first appearance was in Rebels).
Some Final Thoughts
I enjoyed this series and a second season would be fun if Disney/Lucasfilm were to do that, but I don’t think they will. Before the season started, it was announced that it would be a limited series. However, I think the events at the end of this episode will be incorporated into future project(s).
Perhaps that is when Jod will get his redemption arc (which I’ve mentioned once before); George always loved a good redemption arc. It’s safe to assume that Jod was apprehended and is serving time in a New Republic prison. The revelation of At Attin’s existence and location will have to play some kind of role in the events that occur before The Force Awakens.
This is one of those series that will be fun to binge-watch again from beginning to end. It provides an entertaining break from the other grittier and tumultuous events happening across the universe. The acting is great from the veteran Jude Law to the kids. If I had to choose which of the child actors I thought performed the best it would be Kyriana Kratter (KB). Neel seems to be the popular favorite but KB is mine.
What are some of your favorite moments about this series?

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