Biggs' Zone

A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Biggs 2025 Goals

January always seems to drag on and yet I’m still late writing this post. I guess it’s been a little busy but perhaps I was also just being lazy. It’s not been easy getting motivated to do anything. My actions were as frozen as the city around me, but that’s starting to change. So let’s get into my 2025 goals.

Skeleton Crew – Episode 8

Skeleton Crew - Episode 8

Title: The Real Good Guys
Directed by: Jon Watts
Runtime: 38 minutes

This is the final episode. I think I read somewhere that this will be a limited series, so I’m not expecting a season two. While they wrap up the story, a few things are left open to be picked up later—perhaps by a certain upcoming movie.

For the finale, we see many things from the previous episodes come back into play. Neel uses the heavy cannon to attack the pirate ship, Wim gets another shot at a lightsaber, and Kh’ymm sends in the cavalry. This episode wraps everything up nicely but leaves a few things open to incorporate into future projects.

Skeleton Crew – Episode 7

Onyx Cinder approaching At Attin

Title: We’re Gonne Be In So Much Trouble
Directed by: Lee Isaac Chung
Runtime: 33 minutes

This post will contain spoilers, so I hope you’ve been watching. This is your only warning.

Jod is the villain. I don’t think we will see a redemption arc for his character. He pulled an “Anakin Skywalker” and held a blue lightsaber in front of a bunch of kids with the threat to murder them. Greed has corrupted him and turned him to the dark side. My guess is that he will be thwarted and imprisoned on At Attin.

Perhaps his redemption story will be in the Mandalorian & Grogu movie.

Christmas Movies (2024)

Christmas is my favorite time of year and probably the month when I watch the most movies, including May when I watch all 11 Star Wars movies.

As always there are default movies that I watch every year. For any movie that doesn’t appear on the “default” list, I will write a short review as I’ve been doing for all the previous months.

Let’s get started.

Skeleton Crew – Episode 6

Skeleton Crew - Episode 6 - KB smiling

Title: Zero Friends Again
Directed by: Bryce Dallas Howard
Runtime: 33 minutes

I’m way behind because the past seven days have been super busy between a family vacation and the end of the year. In this episode, we see the fallout of Jod’s greedy choices, and friendships are tested between the kids. We learn that KB suffered an accident recently enough that she remembers it and her augments are required to keep her alive.

This episode didn’t have much in the way of easter eggs. I’ll cover a few things below but that didn’t detract from the episode’s quality. Bryce Dallas Howard always directs an entertaining show, which is probably why she directs so many episodes across the various series.

2024 Year in Review

jumping from 2024 to 2025

We are now a quarter of a century into the new millennium. It’s hard to believe. Thankfully 2024 wasn’t as somber as the year before. In fact, 2024 was a fairly normal year. There are a couple of notable moments that I will get to in the sections below.

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