
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake

Synopsis: The Social Network is a movie about Mark Zuckerberg and how he started the social phenomenon known as Facebook. The story is told as flashbacks during Zuckerberg’s two depositions, each where he is being sued by one of his co-founders (and ex-friend) and by two gentlemen who hired him to develop a similar website for Havard students.

Biggs’ Review: The first thing I want to do is dispel any impressions people have about Zuckerberg’s behavior. It was not sensationalized, a lot of brilliant people, especially computer people, really are that crass. I was completely unfamiliar with how Facebook became a phenomenon or where it got its start. I really enjoyed this movie. I actually found it to be inspiring though I know I would never have an idea that would erupt into a phenomenon like Mark Zuckerberg did with Facebook.

I find that this is a movie I would probably watch again and I would recommend it to others and I think others in the computer industry would have an increased interest in the film. For example in the beginning of the movie Mark narrates how he hacked the various facebook databases for the other Harvard residences.

I hope you find this movie as enjoyable as I did.

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